On Sun, Sep 29, 2002 at 10:05:59PM +0200, Andre Engels wrote:
Andre Wrote:
I have found a problem with the Wikipedia entries on Outlook: If one tries to get a Wikipedia page with a name that is made of more than one words, it tries to get the page with spaces instead of underscores. Could that be improved?
Sorry, 'Outlook' should be 'OneLook' of course...
I tested it out, and it's still resulting in the right address ... are there times when it doesn't?
Well, whenever I try it, things go wrong. For example, when I try to search "George Bush" on OneLook, the second hit is Wikipedia. If I click on it, it brings me to "http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/George Bush", which gets interpreted as [[GeorgeBush]] rather than [[George Bush]].
Some browsers are smart enough to know that blanks are not allowed and encode it as "+" instead of sending a blank to the server. Other browsers rely on the web designer to know better than the browser and send the URL "as is".