Tobias Hoevekamp wrote:
I would like to build into wikipedia some of the information given at which is part of Kstars GFDLed handbook and explains various astronomical concepts. The author, Jason Harris, didn't reply to my inquiry about including it in wikipedia but that is - as far as I understand the GFDL correct - not neccessary...
I think you can just add it! Please do be sure that it is GFDL and not GPL or LGPL. And we need to talk about how to handle the "author" requirement, too.
And there's all that gobbledygook in the GFDL about "cover texts" and "invariant sections" and the like. So we need to see what his site says about that.
However, I would say this: if Jason Harris specifically doesn't want us to include it, then I think we should respect his wishes, GFDL or not. It looks like about 20 neat little articles, but there's no reason for us to get into a fight with anyone over it.