On Tue, Apr 19, 2005 at 10:41:18PM +1000, David Gerard wrote:
Lars Aronsson (lars@aronsson.se) [050419 21:33]:
Rob (Gamaliel) wrote:
[...] has made some valid points, but they are lost amid a torrent of claims of libel, legal threats, and general rudeness. Earlier today he removed a large amount of material from [...]
I've seen this kind of intriguingly rude behaviour on several wikis, but not at all in another project of mine, where e-mail is the primary form of communication. Maybe the offender thinks he is talking to a machine, just like he would kick a soda vending machine or hit a television set that loses sync. Could we make wikis look more like a community of real people? How?
I suspect this is the sort of person who thinks it's all ones and zeroes and if it's on the Internet it doesn't count as interaction with real people.
I'm not convinced such people would even realize there were real people on the other side of a face-to-face discussion -- at least, not any really meaningful manner.
-- Chad Perrin [ CCD CopyWrite | http://ccd.apotheon.org ]