Anthere wrote:
Ron H a écrit:
I would like to request adding Quenya to the list of languages on Wikimedia. Quenya is the language of the elves in the works of Tolkien. Other fictional languages, such as Klingon, already exist on Wikipedia. I speak passing Quenya. I have already prepared several articles, including one on constellations, and would like to add them to a quenya-language wiki.
Firsfron on Wikipedia.
I fear this is not gonna happen in the near future Ron. Addition of these types of languages tend to be rather controversial in the community, so addition of those will probably be suspended until the community widely approve them.
I have a suggestion though. Perhaps you could negociate to have a wikibooks written in Quenya ?
This is a constructive approach to the problem. The ability of an artificial language community to sustain interest in a Wikibook project to its completion would be a positive indicator that that community is capable of sustaining bigger things. It's an opportunity for them to prove that a real community with an adequate number of editors exists. The cynic in me would suggest that very few (if any) will be able to overcome this hurdle.