On the other hand I'm very practical and say: Use the local time, but follow common Unix practice. This problem is not new. Unix systems keep track of local time and universal time and it's not too hard to get any kind of time out of a Unix system.
That's true, except that the PHP language does not have a gmtime() function. That's the main reason the code was written the way it is now. I could work around it getting local time and converting myself, with the local timezone set somewhere, but that's not very Unix-like. I'll probably just take the easy way out and set the server to GMT.
What are you saying? Are you unaware that Unix systems count the time in seconds since 1970 and derive all other further knowledge of date and time from that?
(Of course then the next question is: does the system keep time in seconds since 1970-01-01 UTC or any other local time...?)
Either, or neither, depending on the whim of the OS vendor.