Here is a message that was just posted on fr.wikipedia by Aoineko. I think it is pretty interesting to ponder about it. Without the smallest desire to "represent" anybody (far from it, please), I think it could be interesting for some of you who care about international matters to *know* about it, and to draw your own conclusions about how cross-fertilisation could work.
I just copied sooner today some stuff about mailing list-s here, that were posted on this list some days ago.
Some time ago, Aoineko has been asking for a specific french mailing list on the international mailing list. I have absolutely no idea where the discussion about it with Jimbo is. But what I was able to read today is this
------- Liste de diffusion - Mailing list Comme je n'avais toujours pas de reponse de la part de Bomis au sujet de l'ouverture d'une liste de diffusion pour les participants au Wikipedia francophone, j'en ai cree une sur un site qui en propose des gratuites ([CoolList]). Pour ceux qui ne connaisse pas, une liste de diffusion est un liste a laquelle on peux s'inscrire et qui permet d'echanger des messages entre tout les membres de la liste. Pour les info et l'inscription, ca se passe ici: Note: Le mot de passe pour gerer la liste est le meme que pour les administrateurs de Wikipedia. ------
Which can be translated by
------ Mailing list As I still had no answer from Bomis about the creation of a specific mailing list for all the french-speaking wikipedians, I decided to create one. [CoolList] is providing free mailing lists. For those who don't know what a mailing list is, it is a place where one can register, and exchange messages with all the other members of the list. For more information and registration, please go to Note: the password to manage the liste is the same that the one used by wikip�dia admin.
"Pour dire les choses brutalement, si l'�conomie mondiale peut mettre sur la touche une minorit� de pays pauvres jug�s �conomiquement sans int�r�t et n�gligeables, elle peut �galement se passer des plus pauvres � l'int�rieur m�me de ses fronti�res, du moment que le nombre de consommateurs potentiellement int�ressants reste suffisamment important."
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