Александр Сигачёв wrote:
So, even fundamental policies (translations of them) such as Verifiability and NPOV should be approved. Right?
No. They don't have to be approved, it's a core principle that all articles in Wikipedia should be verifiable and neutral.
But there is no obligation to translate the english policy pages - every wikipedia is free to formulate their own verifiability policy as long as it successfully accomplishes its purpose.
When I created policy pages for the German Wikipedia I usually looked around for inspiration in other language Wikipedia, adopted what seemed good and wrote it in my own words.
Regarding approval: If a wikipedia doesn't already approve NPOV and verifiability, then there's something seriously wrong with its community. The individual wording of your policy pages, be it translated or written by yourself, should of course meet the approval of the community as well.
Now, the important point: Events like on http://en.wikiversity.org/w/index.php?title=Wikiversity:Policies&oldid=9... are the completely wrong way to establish policies. Discuss policies widely in the community, change policies upon good suggestions, be open about it. But a vote should only be held if other ways were tried.
Good policies will be unspokenly approved by the community following them and ascertaining that they are obeyed, bad policies will just get ignored.
greetings, elian