Traroth wrote:
--- Tim Starling a écrit :
The function of these wikis, it seems to me, would be pride rather than education. That's not the function I volunteered to promote when I signed up with Wikipedia.
And cultural conservation ? Avoiding the vanishing of languages is a good purpose, in my opinion. In your hypothesis, if we look at the extrem case, why to start a wikipedia in another language than english, since more and more people speak this language ? Just learn english, and you will have access to wikipedia !
There are many good purposes, and cultural coservation is one of them. That does not mean we should scatter resources to support every such proposal that comes along. How is an endangered language saved by a diletante with more ego than brains, who happens to write a handful of articles in the language in question.
There are always many vocal supporters, and there are always people who are silently opposed. Or rather, they are silent until those in power give in to the lobby and create new wikis, and then they open up with ridicule and criticism. We've seen it many times before.
People who are silently opposed ? What does it mean ? They are opposed, but not enough to express their opposition. I call that "people who don't care"...
Maybe those who are silently opposed have better things to do with their time than maintain a vigil over every cockamamy scheme that comes along. They would rather save their energy for those instances when one of those schemes threatens to succeed.