On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, Daniel Mayer wrote:
<wiki table, center, thin line> |{light blue} ^ '''Mailing label''' ^|/ |Name: |John Doe |/ |Address: |2000 Main Street |/ | Postal Code: |123456 |/ </wiki table>
I think this looks really ugly, and if I were a computer novice, I would reel. Do we seriously need to define colors? We haven't needed color in any of the text, why should we need it in tables?
Alignment is possibly a concern, but things like "thin line" just looks useless. Face it, if Wikipedia will ever become a slick and nice looking site, it will not be because the article authors can define layout and form - it will be because someone can use the separated-from-form content in a novel/slick manner.
If one need to show a color, why not use a picture?
I liked the idea posted earlier here,
|| | Blah. | Blah. || | Blah. | Blah. ||
-- Daniel