This language thread -- which I probably wouldn't be able to follow even if I read through the archives to see how it started before I joined -- seems like it has all the characteristics of the type of out-of-control Internet debate that Brainjammer was designed to avoid:
- It has metamorphosed into a discussion *about* the discussion, rather than about the original topic - Has so many individual points to be made on both sides that nobody can keep track of them all, therefore even if one side is "right" there's no way the rest of us could even tell - Contains a good deal of personal attacks on other members
I urge you, just *give it a try* and see if you make more progress than has been made so far. Go to, create a new account (code to create a new one is "muskrat"), and one side or the other can post their arguments.
Sorry to steer the discussion this way, but I do want to help, and it's quite frustrating to see all this effort being wasted and obviously getting people angry, when I think I might have a way to avoid it all. Even if there's only a one-in-ten chance that it would work, wouldn't it be worth it if it might help avoid tense discussions like this in the future?