I think this is very important because the project that gets our new software, inter-language links, support and future inter-language functionality is probably the project that will endure. I know it will be the project I contribute to.
Any other thoughts on this?
Since you indicated quote
This of course would be a slap in the face of the Encyclopedia Libre folks - many of whom want more cooperation with Wikipedia. But there is a very vocal few who hate Wikipedia.
It seems that the most natural move would be to ask their community what they think about it. You state some would like more cooperation, and a few hate Wikipedia. Well, that's to them to discuss together maybe and conclude whether they would like more cooperation, or even coming back to us, or reversly absolutely not loose their "independance".
Since some of them are busy porting articles from one to the other encyclopedia, maybe would these even decide to move back to a *revived* and *updated* es.wiki.
It sounds as if part of the misunderstanding was related to .com and Larry being paid, no ? If these were the most painful issues, these are no more. Of course, there was maybe more to the disagreement and maybe it went too far for *any* reconciliation to be possible. But, still, maybe the first step would be to ask whether their feelings changed or not.
About that first page, yup. Make me think of all these decisions we take one day or another, only to realise it was maybe the wrong one, not dare admit we changed our minds, and just keep our feet deeply rooted in the ground. It looks easier sometimes to follow somebody we don't agree so much with anymore, rather than exposing ourselves.
Of course, you need to count on the deep pride of spanish people when raising the subject, but at least, if they send you to hell, you'll know what to do next :-)
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