Ok, thanks for explaining that. Is Braille a language or an orthography?
Braille is a tactile writing system which is used to write spoken languages. So basically, it's an orthography. Sometimes, though, different languages use different tactile alphabets.
Ok, so a person who signs American Sign Language from Mexico can understand someone who signs American Sign Language from Rhode Island (to pick somewhere in the US at random)?
I have already answered both of these questions over and over. By choosing to ignore my messages (and, indeed, those of others, as most of the things I've said have been said in this thread by others as well) as you seem to have done, you are wasting the time of everybody involved -- including yourself -- by asking questions which have already been answered.
Actually, I think you've still failed to answer the *how*, even if you've answered the *why*. The "why do we need a Wikipedia written in sign language" I can understand. The "how will it work", I don't.
I meant in my other messages in this thread, not my most recent reply. I've given several options for the "how".