Oh... I thought you RSVP'd? By the way, in case anybody's ("anybody is") wondering, RSVP is an abbrevation of Respondez S'il Vous Plaït. Surely, those who don't ("do not") know what RSVP means, will know the meaning of Respondez S'il Vous Plaït.
And, for the transcript: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=pap ... "gove" appear'd ("appeared") to be a noun though. Remember, please don't noun verbs. In case you're ("you are") wondering, "noun verbs" is a colloquial English phrase meaning "use what is usually a noun as if it were a verb". In fact, the word "noun" in the phrase "It's bad to noun verbs!" is a nouned verb.
On 17/06/05, Ray Saintonge saintonge@telus.net wrote:
Mark Williamson wrote:
Oooh... snap...
Ray got served!!!
Hell of a lot of good that does if I'm not attending the dinner.