. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . till we *) . . .
Austin Hair wrote:
I heard this guy on the BBCWS, a few weeks back--interesting stuff; he goes so far as to suggest that a group will often be smarter than its smartest member due to the dynamic created, and given a large enough sampling over a long enough period of time will actually outperform the best single experts in any given field, or something to that effect.
Funny -- everything I know from studying psychology hints in the other direction (okay, depending on the task). But especially for cognitive taks, the performance of the group is (1) mostly worse than that of the best group member, if they act single, and (2), there is [[Groupthink]] (or maybe [[Group think]]), the phenomen that group disciplina and dynamics led to hindrances for new ideas in groups.
__ . / / / / ... Till Westermayer - till we *) . . . mailto:till@tillwe.de . www.westermayer.de/till/ . icq 320393072 . Habsburgerstr. 82 . 79104 Freiburg . 0761 55697152 . 0160 96619179 . . . . .