Relevant is the realisation that the current Wiktionaries are as closed as any proprietary content. This means that the only medium in which Wiktionary is relevant is within an Internet-browser. To improve this will make us closer to realising the objectives of the Wikimedia Foundation. This is why we should publish in XML specific to dictionary content or why we should publish in .dict format or RFC 2229. This will not happen with content in the current format and as such it is a dead end.
No true, at least, what you say about DICT. With wik2dict you can convert any Wiktionary (or Wikipedia) into DICT. However, it's very true that it's hard to make a specific DICT. It would be cool to be able to quickly create a bilingual translation DICT from the Wiktionary information. Now, _that_ would be somewhat harder to do at present.
I've actually found someone who did a dictionary thingy for Java phones. He's gonna release it under the GPL. I'm in touch with him - the thing is still not running on my Sony Ericsson. I found him because I googled for wik2dict :) I hope to get the thing running, and the source code compiling, so that I can play with Wikipedia on my phone - without using too many proprietary stuff (except for the phone firmware itself, Symbian OS, Java...).
You can find it DictionaryForMIDs at