Hoi, I am interested to learn why there are questions about the viability of an extension for the SignWriting script. The script is in existence and has evolved for the last thirty years. More and more schools are making it part of their curriculum and it is used all over the world. It is even taught at university level in some countries.
This month there were queries for support in Great Britain and it may be that either someone local or someone from Germany will help out. SignWriting is very much a grass roots development. When you consider the evolution of languages, it is astounding what has already been achieved.
My expectation is that once a first Wikipedia in a sign language exists, many more will follow. Consider; there is a lack of literature in any sign language. There is a need both to practice reading and writing. If anything it has more potential because the intrinsic motivation for making this happen is sky high. Thanks, GerardM
On 29 May 2010 16:30, Platonides Platonides@gmail.com wrote:
Gerard Meijssen wrote:
Hoi, The creation of a wiki for SignWriting is a* very* exciting development.
the language committee we have indicated that technical issues are what prevents a Wikipedia for sign languages at this time. The SignWriting
is effectively an incubator for the technology needed and for the
to write the minimum number of articles they need for acceptance as a new language.
Given all the technical issues, I am of the opinion that a requirement
localisation can be waved. Sign languages with SignWriting would
the writing in lanes ie top to bottom with characters moving slightly to
right or left.
What I am looking for is agreement what technical issues need to be
before a sign language can become a Wikipedia. Compatible policies are
an issue. I am thinking of being able to include images in the text and having wiki links. What else is absolutely required before we can move forward once there are sufficient articles ? Thanks, GerardM
They seem to be using this plugin http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SignWriting_MediaWiki_Plugin
I'm not sure about its viability, though.
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