- Ogg is recommended because it's a public standard,
freely available on all computers. MP3 has patent problems, but is a de facto standard and should also be OK (if the only source material you have is MP3, don't bother recoding to Ogg as that will only reduce quality further). WAV is uncompressed, and therefore unacceptable except in the rarest of cases (I can only think of a few: like short test sounds in articles about digital signal processing).
sure wav's ADPCM is a poor compression ;o) if I asked if we can use mp3 is mostly because ogg is not supported by <embed>.
- No, I don't ever plan to support embed. Sounds sould
play on demand only. I do plan to make some nicer features for audio and video playback at some point.
<embed> can play on demand only -> autostart="false" I suppose we can deal with sound without a player, but I think it's pity. <embed> is W3C standard, isn't it ? I don't know at all what percentage of browser support it, but thank to <noembed> tag, we can manage all case. no ?