Jimmy Wales jwales@bomis.com writes:
If there are other services in Europe or Asia that (a) are popular and easier to use for people there, and (b) easy for me to set up, then please let me know.
(a) would probably be any national bank account (at least in Europe). (b) Would probably be nothing.
An added benefit would be that most national banking systems takes a smaller commision than PayPal¹. If opening bank accounts in a number of countries will attract so much more donations that the extra work is worth it, it probably should be done. This, however, should be in the future some time.
¹ PayPal charges a commision of approx. 2-5%. In Norway (which I believe is quiet typical for Europe) a flat fee ranging from nothing to NOK 5 (USD 0.65, EUR 0.60) is normal.