>> On the English Wikipedia we play by the "better safe than sorry"
>> rule: if an article appears to be a copyright violation, we remove it.
>Who are "we"? A non-formal group of core contributors, or Bomis staff?
>Is there a similar "we" for the non-English language Wikipediae?
I was refering to the former.
>It appears to me that Bomis actively "runs" the English Wikipedia, and
>almost don't care about the other languages. I think it would help
>greatly to assign the role of a responsible editor to some person for
>each language, perhaps Kurt Jansson or Stefan Rybo for the German, and
>Linus Tolke for the Swedish Wikipedia. This would make Wikipedia more
>like a franchising concept. The national wikipedias could be run on a
>separate site (like wiki.rozeta.com.pl) if the responsible editor
>("franchising owner") finds that useful. Bomis would own the name
>Wikipedia and the concept and terms under which it is franchised.
>I guess what I am saying is that the national Wikipedias need a Larry,
>and that there are people who can take on that role if they know the
>role exists.
>(No, I am not a candidate for editor of the Swedish Wikipedia.)
I wouldn't say that Bomis doesn't care about the other wikis, but simply
that the Bomis staff actively working on Wikipedia consists of Jimbo, Tim
and Larry, none of whom speak the required languages. But I do agree that
the international Wikipedias need some sort of formal leadership. Your
suggestion sounds pretty good to me.