Quem tiver tempo, leia os links, por favor, para ver se é algo importante.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anthony <wikimail(a)inbox.org>
Date: 2010/3/17
Subject: [Foundation-l] Wikiversity
To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List <foundation-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org>
What's going on over at Wikiversity? Jimmy Wales has now been threatened
with a block by someone who seems to be an admin in good standing, and he
responds that he has "the full support of the Wikimedia Foundation". Is
this true? What does it mean?
Wales also has said that he is "discussing closure of Wikiversity with the
board". Is there a public place where this is being debated, or is this all
being done behind the scenes? Is it even true that this discussion is
taking place?
I'm sorry if I'm repeating some discussion that's already been had, but I
checked the archives and I couldn't find anything.
foundation-l mailing list
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Um artigo interessante no First Monday sobre a Wikipedia -
inclusionistas e delecionistas.
Wikipedia has been hailed as one of the most prominent peer projects
that led to the rise of the concept of peer governance. However,
criticism has been levelled against Wikipedia’s mode of governance.
This paper, using the Wikipedia case as a point of departure and
building upon the conflict between inclusionists and deletionists,
tries to identify and draw some conclusions on the problematic issue
of peer governance.
Um abc
Barbara Dieu
Oi pessoal,
Como vocês sabem, estou dando um curso sobre produção colaborativa
baseada em compartilhamento no Centro Cultural São Paulo.
Amanhã será a discussão sobre a Wikipédia, o principal exemplo do
Quem puder comparecer, acredito que poderá ajudar bastante nas
A aula vai das 19h às 22h, na Sala Zero do Centro Cultural, que fica na
saída do Metrô Vergueiro. Claro que não precisam chegar na hora nem
ficar o tempo todo.
Na dúvida, basta perguntar onde está acontecendo a oficina "O futuro da
Eu escrevi um texto na Wikiversidade para o curso também. Se quiserem
me surrar ou xingar o texto fiquem à vontade hehehe
(basta seguir o link da segunda aula)
Após a primeira aula alguns alunos do curso já criaram suas contas na
wikiversidade. Vamos ver se dá certo, vai ser interessante... :)
Google has Google Trends, Twitter has trending topics, and now so does
Wikipedia. Pete Skomoroch, a Senior Research Scientist at LinkedIn and
blogger at Data Wrangling, built a trending topics page for Wikipedia.
The homepage ranks the top-25 Wikipedia articles with the most
pageviews over the past 30 days, as well as the fastest rising
articles in the past 24 hours.
More: http://techcrunch.com/2010/03/11/wikipedia-trending-topics/http://www.trendingtopics.org/
Vejam abaixo a mensagem que o Thomas Dalton compartilhou com os demais
capítulos (comigo em cópia). Alguém se habilita a estabelecer contato
com eles?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton(a)gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 14:56:50 +0000
Subject: Is Wikimedia Brasil a chapter?
To: "Local Chapters, board and officers coordination (closed
subscription)" <internal-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org>
Cc: thomasdesouzabuckup <thomasdesouzabuckup(a)gmail.com>
Is Wikimedia Brasil a chapter? As things stand, that is a question
with no answer since we have never actually decided (we've been rather
putting it off, since it isn't an easy decision). It is on the list of
chapters on meta [1], but more by default than concious choice (it was
added to the list when it was still expected to become a conventional
chapter, if memory serves, and just hasn't been removed). This
question came up a couple of days ago in respect of the ongoing vote
to decide on a process to select people for the chapter seats on the
WMF board (incidentally - we're just one chapter short of a majority
supporting now, so if your chapter hasn't voted yet, please do! I'd
like to send it off to the WMF board for approval ASAP). I listed the
chapters yet to vote and didn't list Brazil and I was asked privately
if that was intentional. It was. I didn't include them because I can't
see how than can participate. They don't have the necessary governance
structure, as far as I know. There is no way for them to reach a
collective decision (except perhaps by consensus, which seems
impractical in the limited time available). Also, they cannot actually
participate in the process should it be accepted, since we agreed the
list of nominees would be confidential and restricted to chapter board
members, which WMBR doesn't have any of. So, for purely practical
reasons, WMBR cannot participate in inter-chapter decision making,
which is a problem if it is a chapter.
The official requirements for chapters [2] includes: "The chapter must
have a legal structure/corporation that is legally independent from
the Wikimedia Foundation." WMBR does not satisfy that requirement.
Clearly, we must either relax that requirement or cease to consider
WMBR a chapter. There are arguments in favour of both options, but my
preference is to not consider WMBR a chapter. Without a legal
structure, they are just incapable of doing a large number of things I
consider part of the normal existence of a chapter. They cannot
fundraise. They cannot enter into a trademark agreement with the WMF.
They cannot effectively speak with any kind of official voice. While a
great deal of useful work can be done without being able to do those
things, I don't think the work of a chapter can.
It has been suggested numerous times before without anything being
done, but I think we should create a new kind of structure for
informal groups of Wikimedians, of which WMBR could be the first.
These could be groups in a country that doesn't have or want a chapter
or groups that don't have an obvious geographic association. What
relationship this new structure should have with the proposed WikiPods
(which, incidentally, need a better name!), I don't know, but there
probably will be a relationship of some kind. We need to have a
thorough discussion about what role these groups should play and what
should be required of them (for example, should they be required to
designate a leader or committee of leaders in order to facilitate
coordination with the rest of the WM movement? should they be required
to maintain a list of members? etc.).
I'm not sure what forum these discussions (regarding WMBR specifically
and the concept of informal groups generally) should take place in. I
think internal-l is probably suitable for the WMBR discussion (I have
CC'ed Thomas de Souza Buckup from WMBR since none of them seem to be
on internal-l - perhaps some of them should be, whatever form WMBR
ends up taking), but the more general discussion probably needs
broader discussion, but let's start here and at least work out what
the questions are that need to be answered.
Everyone, please give your views.
1. http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_chapters#Existing_chapters
2. http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Requirements_for_future_chapters
Enviado do meu celular
Thomas de Souza Buckup
+55 11 3477-2834
+55 11 9213-3931
- ... -...
Perguntas que tenho para o MinC:
1 - O que vocês entendem por consulta pública?
2 - Por que tantas promessas de datas em que o projeto de lei da
reforma do direito autoral iria para consulta *pública* não foram
cumpridas? Enviar o projeto de lei para escrutínio público só agora
não é tarde demais, já que em pouco tempo estaremos em época de
3 - Vocês poderiam relatar um pouco sobre pressão dos grupos que se
beneficiam financeiramente da lei como ela é hoje com relação a todo
debate em torno da reforma da LDA? Qual a influência desses grupos na
reforma da lei do direito autoral, se comparada com a pressão da
sociedade civil?
4 - Quando o MinC passará a usar a Internet para tornar o debate sobre
questões de interesse público mais democrático?
Gostaria de saber se elas serão feitas.
Em 13 de março de 2010 16:00, toya <toya(a)riseup.net> escreveu:
> O CMI Brasília pretende fazer uma entrevista com o MINC sobre o assunto. Se
> vocês tiverem sugestões de perguntas por favor enviem para a lista ou para o
> meu email pessoal (toya(a)riseup.net).
Só um toque pra turma que escreve inglês...
Precisamos de ajuda pra escrever o chapter report a ser enviado junto
com a resposta pro comitê de capítulos.
As informações substanciais já estão na página, mas em português, só
precisa traduzir e dar uma ajeitada.
E quem souber pode complementar com mais detalhes.
A Fundação abriu um canal para candidaturas à subsídios para projetosem: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Index
um capítulo tem um trabalho que pretende começar feito na direção
da nossa missão e metas globais durante o ano fiscal 2010-2011 (1 de
julho de 2010 30 de Junho de 2011), mas não pode fazê-lo sem o apoio
financeiro, a Fundação Wikimedia está convidando para que o capítulo da Wikimedia Foundation se candidate a um financiamento."
"O prazo para pedidos de 2010-11 é 15 de maio de 2010. Pedidos apresentados fora do prazo são considerados caso a caso a caso. Podemos expandir o processo de concessões de
voluntários e organizações afins, mas para o momento, o processo ainda
está limitado aos capítulos."
Portanto, sugiro iniciarmos algumas discussões para elencarmos ações que se submetam ao pedido. Um eventual financiamento, por menos que seja, fortalecerá a nossa forma de atuação como capítulo. O que acham?
Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados