Hello, I'd like to notify you of the fact that on May 14th the Founding Assembly of "Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens" (official translation: Wikimedia CH - Association for the advancement of free knowledge) will take place at Olten in Switzerland. More infos as well as the agenda can be found at http://ch.wikimedia.org/wiki/Events/Founding_Assembly Of course everybody is invited to join us as guest or as future member, everybody is eligible for membership (Swiss nationality is not a requirement). Our (proposed) bylaws can be found at http://ch.wikimedia.org/wiki/Bylaws (De, En, Fr, It), however they are *theoretically* subject to change during the Founding Assembly) A statement towards the press and towards WMF and the Wikimedia-projects-participants including the names of the board members etc. will be released soon after the successful foundation. Please direct any questions, that you for some reason do not want to publish on any mailinglist, to info-ch at wikimedia dot org
Regards Michael Bimmler (Preliminary Board of Wikimedia CH)