Le 2013-04-03 12:34, Michael Peel a écrit :
# Agreements, particularly those with global impact, and/or where they affect more than one Wikimedia organisation. Part of the recent Monmouthpedia/Gibraltarpedia situation was caused by a lack of transparency about who had signed what agreements, and when they had been signed - if these had all been shared on an internal wiki then some of this could have been avoided. There's also a lot of experience now with existing agreements that could be reused when new agreements are being written, e.g. for Wikimedians in Residences. Sadly, not all of these can be made publicly available (or at least, they haven't been to date).
Can you provide more information on this case? I never heard about Monmouthpedia/Gibraltarpedia despite they had a "global impact".
Would anyone be kind enough to explain me what kind of secret stuff we are talking about?