Would it make a difference...
if an advertisement is only there to reach out to the attention of the
reader, and is only beneficial to the one paying for the advertisement
(eg, a Ford ad on a Toyota article)
or if the advertisement also was a bringing a benefit to the reader ?
I ask the question because my husband opinion is very clear on the
matter. When he reads an article about a BOOK, he would like that we
provide as a service, a link to a website where he can directly buy the
book. Typically, an Amazon link. It would be an advertisement of course,
but it would bring a service to the reader. It would not be a
GoogleAds. We would be able to exactly select which articles we want
the ad to be on (for example, all articles about books. all articles
about DVD). It is not damaging the NPOV of the article. It could be
identified in a special area. Deals could be made with one, or several
providers. It would bring some money, but not huge amounts of money (who
could disrupt the organization...).