Fernando Da Rosa Morena https://www.facebook.com/fedaro?fref=gs&__tn__=%2CdlC-R-R&eid=ARDFz9dLzSR673d2Has3zOswybCcybBqlLFx6vxStkObRDjj6M58NOhcWkX3L8K22fsKq3ibge2egmFm&hc_ref=ARR6uO-M9milMV5_TMVluKIAYkkNFEKo9qzlFVTFjuXpUUAchxX__URIJYBLB6tt_8Y&dti=1052002851481030&hc_location=group compartió un enlace https://www.facebook.com/groups/WikimediaEducation/pending/ en el grupo Wikipedia & Education https://www.facebook.com/groups/WikimediaEducation/?ref=gs&hc_ref=ARR6uO-M9milMV5_TMVluKIAYkkNFEKo9qzlFVTFjuXpUUAchxX__URIJYBLB6tt_8Y&fref=gs&dti=1052002851481030&hc_location=group . 28 de marzo a las 05:59 https://www.facebook.com/groups/WikimediaEducation/pending/
Here I send you the drawings, it is Spanish and English of the future book "Wikipedia en la Educación" made in Uruguay, soon. The drawings are free, of course.
Ya se subieron todos los dibujos del Libro “Wikipedia en la Educación” a Commons, yo se lo pedi al dibujante para asegurarme que sean libres y se puedan usar en todo el mundo, se subieron es español e inglés.
https://commons.wikimedia.org/%E2%80%A6/File:Fuentes_v%C3%A1lidas.j%E2%80%A6 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fuentes_v%C3%A1lidas.jpg?fbclid=IwAR1ZxAdLn473_KsQhuol2s18lWCQZejc7YXbT6ZdicscH4-iXje8OAZAGX8
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fuentes_eng.jpg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fuentes_eng.jpg?fbclid=IwAR16lWBk-6osn93GcPq4-LQVDcWyxDmv9xTdbj-4KTWg04OpiebC8OmKCuY
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El jue., 4 abr. 2019 a las 17:31, S.M.LATIF SHAHID shahid (< shahlatifg@gmail.com>) escribió:
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Hello, Thank you very much for uploading these 20 files to Wikimedia Commons (your files number 5) and 6) are the same files, and you left out the one called "NATIVOS DIGITALES"). We have the Spanish and English versions, we can now translate them into other languages as well !
We can all get to work, I have placed the images in different categories, and created on for the artist: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Cartoons_by_Ricardo_Pisano
Best regards Gabe
[ ... ]
Ok, thanks for your work.
Best regards Fernando
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 5:52, Gabriel Thullen (gabriel@thullen.com) escribió:
Hello, Thank you very much for uploading these 20 files to Wikimedia Commons (your files number 5) and 6) are the same files, and you left out the one called "NATIVOS DIGITALES"). We have the Spanish and English versions, we can now translate them into other languages as well !
We can all get to work, I have placed the images in different categories, and created on for the artist: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Cartoons_by_Ricardo_Pisano
Best regards Gabe
[ ... ] _______________________________________________ Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Fantastic cartoons!
Fernando Da Rosa Morena fernando.darosa@gmail.com writes:
Ok, thanks for your work.
Best regards Fernando
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 5:52, Gabriel Thullen (gabriel@thullen.com) escribió:
Hello, Thank you very much for uploading these 20 files to Wikimedia Commons (your files number 5) and 6) are the same files, and you left out the one called "NATIVOS DIGITALES"). We have the Spanish and English versions, we can now translate them into other languages as well !
We can all get to work, I have placed the images in different categories, and created on for the artist: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Cartoons_by_Ricardo_Pisano
Best regards Gabe
[ ... ] _______________________________________________ Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
One more thing - what would be the correct way to attribute the images?
The category is called "Cartoons by Ricardo Pisano", some of the images have signature stating Sauopo (do I read it correctly?), some have Sauopo & F. Da Rosa.
It would be awesome if the image files' descriptions could state unambiguously how it should be attributed.
P.S. I'm giving a presentation to librarians soon, so I would happily entertain them with the librarian cartoon:) So I want to be sure how to attribute it in the presentation.
Thanks a lot once more!
Best, Yury.
Yury Bulka setthemfree@privacyrequired.com writes:
Fantastic cartoons!
Fernando Da Rosa Morena fernando.darosa@gmail.com writes:
Ok, thanks for your work.
Best regards Fernando
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 5:52, Gabriel Thullen (gabriel@thullen.com) escribió:
Hello, Thank you very much for uploading these 20 files to Wikimedia Commons (your files number 5) and 6) are the same files, and you left out the one called "NATIVOS DIGITALES"). We have the Spanish and English versions, we can now translate them into other languages as well !
We can all get to work, I have placed the images in different categories, and created on for the artist: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Cartoons_by_Ricardo_Pisano
Best regards Gabe
[ ... ] _______________________________________________ Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
The issue is that, in addition to directing the Wikipedia project in Education in Uruguay, I gave him some of the lyrics, text to include, all the cartoonist and others he did by himself. It must be that.
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 11:22, Yury Bulka (< setthemfree@privacyrequired.com>) escribió:
One more thing - what would be the correct way to attribute the images?
The category is called "Cartoons by Ricardo Pisano", some of the images have signature stating Sauopo (do I read it correctly?), some have Sauopo & F. Da Rosa.
It would be awesome if the image files' descriptions could state unambiguously how it should be attributed.
P.S. I'm giving a presentation to librarians soon, so I would happily entertain them with the librarian cartoon:) So I want to be sure how to attribute it in the presentation.
Thanks a lot once more!
Best, Yury.
Yury Bulka setthemfree@privacyrequired.com writes:
Fantastic cartoons!
Fernando Da Rosa Morena fernando.darosa@gmail.com writes:
Ok, thanks for your work.
Best regards Fernando
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 5:52, Gabriel Thullen (<gabriel@thullen.com
Hello, Thank you very much for uploading these 20 files to Wikimedia Commons
files number 5) and 6) are the same files, and you left out the one
"NATIVOS DIGITALES"). We have the Spanish and English versions, we can now translate them
other languages as well !
We can all get to work, I have placed the images in different
and created on for the artist: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Cartoons_by_Ricardo_Pisano
Best regards Gabe
[ ... ] _______________________________________________ Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Thanks for replying,
I'm sorry that I'm totally out of the context on this project, so please correct me if I misunderstood something.
Would it be correct to attribute them as follows? - Ricardo Pisano (drawing) & Fernando Da Rosa (concept and text)?
Best, Yury.
Fernando Da Rosa Morena fernando.darosa@gmail.com writes:
The issue is that, in addition to directing the Wikipedia project in Education in Uruguay, I gave him some of the lyrics, text to include, all the cartoonist and others he did by himself. It must be that.
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 11:22, Yury Bulka (< setthemfree@privacyrequired.com>) escribió:
One more thing - what would be the correct way to attribute the images?
The category is called "Cartoons by Ricardo Pisano", some of the images have signature stating Sauopo (do I read it correctly?), some have Sauopo & F. Da Rosa.
It would be awesome if the image files' descriptions could state unambiguously how it should be attributed.
P.S. I'm giving a presentation to librarians soon, so I would happily entertain them with the librarian cartoon:) So I want to be sure how to attribute it in the presentation.
Thanks a lot once more!
Best, Yury.
Yury Bulka setthemfree@privacyrequired.com writes:
Fantastic cartoons!
Fernando Da Rosa Morena fernando.darosa@gmail.com writes:
Ok, thanks for your work.
Best regards Fernando
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 5:52, Gabriel Thullen (<gabriel@thullen.com
Hello, Thank you very much for uploading these 20 files to Wikimedia Commons
files number 5) and 6) are the same files, and you left out the one
"NATIVOS DIGITALES"). We have the Spanish and English versions, we can now translate them
other languages as well !
We can all get to work, I have placed the images in different
and created on for the artist: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Cartoons_by_Ricardo_Pisano
Best regards Gabe
[ ... ] _______________________________________________ Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
No, the attribution should only be for Ricardo Pisano. It's better like that.
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 11:53, Yury Bulka (< setthemfree@privacyrequired.com>) escribió:
Thanks for replying,
I'm sorry that I'm totally out of the context on this project, so please correct me if I misunderstood something.
Would it be correct to attribute them as follows?
- Ricardo Pisano (drawing) & Fernando Da Rosa (concept and text)?
Best, Yury.
Fernando Da Rosa Morena fernando.darosa@gmail.com writes:
The issue is that, in addition to directing the Wikipedia project in Education in Uruguay, I gave him some of the lyrics, text to include, all the cartoonist and others he did by himself. It must be that.
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 11:22, Yury Bulka (< setthemfree@privacyrequired.com>) escribió:
One more thing - what would be the correct way to attribute the images?
The category is called "Cartoons by Ricardo Pisano", some of the images have signature stating Sauopo (do I read it correctly?), some have Sauopo & F. Da Rosa.
It would be awesome if the image files' descriptions could state unambiguously how it should be attributed.
P.S. I'm giving a presentation to librarians soon, so I would happily entertain them with the librarian cartoon:) So I want to be sure how to attribute it in the presentation.
Thanks a lot once more!
Best, Yury.
Yury Bulka setthemfree@privacyrequired.com writes:
Fantastic cartoons!
Fernando Da Rosa Morena fernando.darosa@gmail.com writes:
Ok, thanks for your work.
Best regards Fernando
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 5:52, Gabriel Thullen (<
Hello, Thank you very much for uploading these 20 files to Wikimedia
files number 5) and 6) are the same files, and you left out the one
"NATIVOS DIGITALES"). We have the Spanish and English versions, we can now translate them
other languages as well !
We can all get to work, I have placed the images in different
and created on for the artist:
Best regards Gabe
[ ... ] _______________________________________________ Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Okay, thanks!
Fernando Da Rosa Morena fernando.darosa@gmail.com writes:
No, the attribution should only be for Ricardo Pisano. It's better like that.
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 11:53, Yury Bulka (< setthemfree@privacyrequired.com>) escribió:
Thanks for replying,
I'm sorry that I'm totally out of the context on this project, so please correct me if I misunderstood something.
Would it be correct to attribute them as follows?
- Ricardo Pisano (drawing) & Fernando Da Rosa (concept and text)?
Best, Yury.
Fernando Da Rosa Morena fernando.darosa@gmail.com writes:
The issue is that, in addition to directing the Wikipedia project in Education in Uruguay, I gave him some of the lyrics, text to include, all the cartoonist and others he did by himself. It must be that.
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 11:22, Yury Bulka (< setthemfree@privacyrequired.com>) escribió:
One more thing - what would be the correct way to attribute the images?
The category is called "Cartoons by Ricardo Pisano", some of the images have signature stating Sauopo (do I read it correctly?), some have Sauopo & F. Da Rosa.
It would be awesome if the image files' descriptions could state unambiguously how it should be attributed.
P.S. I'm giving a presentation to librarians soon, so I would happily entertain them with the librarian cartoon:) So I want to be sure how to attribute it in the presentation.
Thanks a lot once more!
Best, Yury.
Yury Bulka setthemfree@privacyrequired.com writes:
Fantastic cartoons!
Fernando Da Rosa Morena fernando.darosa@gmail.com writes:
Ok, thanks for your work.
Best regards Fernando
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 5:52, Gabriel Thullen (<
> Hello, > Thank you very much for uploading these 20 files to Wikimedia
> files number 5) and 6) are the same files, and you left out the one
> "NATIVOS DIGITALES"). > We have the Spanish and English versions, we can now translate them
> other languages as well ! > > We can all get to work, I have placed the images in different
> and created on for the artist: >
> > Best regards > Gabe > > [ ... ] > _______________________________________________ > Education mailing list > Education@lists.wikimedia.org > https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education >
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Please read the following text about CEIBAL.
First in Spanish, below in English.
It's my website, and it talks about the importance of CEIBAL and the use of computers in class.
Best. Fernando
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 12:46, Yury Bulka (< setthemfree@privacyrequired.com>) escribió:
Okay, thanks!
Fernando Da Rosa Morena fernando.darosa@gmail.com writes:
No, the attribution should only be for Ricardo Pisano. It's better like
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 11:53, Yury Bulka (< setthemfree@privacyrequired.com>) escribió:
Thanks for replying,
I'm sorry that I'm totally out of the context on this project, so please correct me if I misunderstood something.
Would it be correct to attribute them as follows?
- Ricardo Pisano (drawing) & Fernando Da Rosa (concept and text)?
Best, Yury.
Fernando Da Rosa Morena fernando.darosa@gmail.com writes:
The issue is that, in addition to directing the Wikipedia project in Education in Uruguay, I gave him some of the lyrics, text to include, all the cartoonist and others he did by himself. It must be that.
El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 11:22, Yury Bulka (< setthemfree@privacyrequired.com>) escribió:
One more thing - what would be the correct way to attribute the
The category is called "Cartoons by Ricardo Pisano", some of the
have signature stating Sauopo (do I read it correctly?), some have Sauopo & F. Da Rosa.
It would be awesome if the image files' descriptions could state unambiguously how it should be attributed.
P.S. I'm giving a presentation to librarians soon, so I would happily entertain them with the librarian cartoon:) So I want to be sure how
attribute it in the presentation.
Thanks a lot once more!
Best, Yury.
Yury Bulka setthemfree@privacyrequired.com writes:
Fantastic cartoons!
Fernando Da Rosa Morena fernando.darosa@gmail.com writes:
> Ok, thanks for your work. > > Best regards > Fernando > > El vie., 5 abr. 2019 a las 5:52, Gabriel Thullen (<
) > escribió: > >> Hello, >> Thank you very much for uploading these 20 files to Wikimedia
>> files number 5) and 6) are the same files, and you left out the
>> "NATIVOS DIGITALES"). >> We have the Spanish and English versions, we can now translate
>> other languages as well ! >> >> We can all get to work, I have placed the images in different
>> and created on for the artist: >>
>> >> Best regards >> Gabe >> >> [ ... ] >> _______________________________________________ >> Education mailing list >> Education@lists.wikimedia.org >> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education >> > > > --
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education
Education mailing list Education@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/education