On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 11:30 AM, Juliana Bastos domusaurea@gmail.comwrote:
All Brazilian funding agencies are public, and they're very strict when it comes to grants for international events. GWU can host the event, but is it organizing as well?
In practical terms, long story short, I need a certificate of participation with the name of a university or scientific association in the letterhead.
This echoes what I was told by a lecturer at the Australian National University. Academics would like to participate at these events, but they need to clearly fit into the academic narrative. Conference precedeeings, a formal call for papers circulated to academic listservs, some indication of how the peer review process is done for deciding who presenters are, highlighting university participation as a co-host/partner for the event, a list of other academics who have been invited and will be participating, etc. There need to be signifiers that the conference is intentionally being marketed at academics, with academics having something they can take home from it.
Sincerely, Laura Hale