Hi, Andrew.
Em 25/12/2011 00:41, "Andrew Owens" orderinchaos78@gmail.com escreveu:
I'm an educator and tried to get involved with Wikiversity, but almost
anything I looked at in my home area was complete but chronically sub-standard, focused away from the needs of my students, and it was not in any way clear how I could contribute or what was acceptable or unacceptable. In the end I simply gave up - there are others doing the same sort of thing much better (eg WikiEducator). I've heard similar stories from many other educators across a range of fields.
May you, please, show me the Wikiversity page where you have tried that?
I havent't thought about WikiEducator, that's a good idea to analyse, thanks to remeber! I'll see if we have a community there in Portuguese as well.
My impression: Wikiversity -> too horizontal. WikiEducator -> the tradiciontal hierarchy. Besides that, it seems [[user:solstag]] has been using pt.wikiversity succefully on a course on cultural centers and universities here in Brazil.
At least in Brazil, if you let students on a place where they can do anything, they will do nothing. For instance, at wiki.stoa.usp.br, a wiki platform, integrated with Moodle and Elgg, for the University of São Paulo community, was succefully used by a professor of the school of communication and arts. Students just did what the professor said they to do and they had very specific tasks.