Dear Organizers, It was a good outing and very insightful. I gained a lot from it. Thank you. Best, Ngozi Perpetua Osuchukwu
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On Mon, 31 Oct 2022 at 7:15, Sseruwagi wrote: Hello all,
Thank you for joining us at the recently concluded EduWiki Live event. We were joined by librarians Alice Kibombo and Laurie Bridges, who shared their experiences with Wikipedia and libraries with us. If you missed the live event, you can watch it on YouTube by clicking on this link.
Alice gave us a presentation on the relationship between various libraries, their national associations, umbrella organizations, and Wikimedia projects, as well as their initiatives to address the information needs of their communities, and the challenges that these entail.
Laurie told us about her involvement in the Wikimedia movement and the activities she has participated in since then. She gave examples of how university librarians all over the world use Wikipedia.
Thank you for being a part of this event once more.
Best regards!