Hi Wikimedia Education people
I have finally completed a draft of my presentation about Wikipedia for a group of Adult Basic Educators who will be getting together for a conference later this month. Several of you asked to see the presentation when it's done: if you're still interested, I have included some links below.
If you have any trouble accessing it or altering it for re-use, let me know & I'll send you a copy via personal email. Underneath each slide (in Google slides version only) you should be able to see my copious speaker notes ... hopefully these will be useful to some of you.
I have made every effort to ensure that all images & info are used correctly (copyright-wise) & of course the whole presentation is licensed CC-BY.
Thanks again to so many of you who contributed your own works & ideas to help me develop this!
Here are the links: (NOTE: you will have to add h t t p s: // (without the spaces) at the beginning of each url)
The Google docs version: docs.google.com/presentation/d/ 1u20Ke3bKK1wpN84W7rh38TfQYmowA_VCMLH761gE-_o/edit?usp=sharing
A pdf version, with a link at the top to the orginal: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikipedia_for_Educators_in_ABE.pdf
Gina (Bennett) University of the Fraser Valley BC, Canada