Hi A number of my students are currently translating technical articles from English to Spanish and we have run into a problem.... Es.wiki does not recognize the database reference templates such as cite pmid and cite doi. A student who knows something about computers looked into it a bit and told me that the reason is that those templates function with a bot that scrapes the reference information from the database. However, it only functions in en.wiki. We either need a bot for es.wiki or the en.wiki bot needs to be modified to be able to send the scraped info to other languages. This student tells me he does not know how to do either. In two weeks we have a major editathon, with a large chunk of the student/participants working on translations, preferably articles relating to their majors. We are talking 250+ students on three campuses. Right now, we get around this problem by using the cita publicación template in es.wiki but of course it would make life a lot easier if we dont have to teach dozens of students or more how to do this. Can anyone help? Leigh