Body of email: Copyright status: Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. Featured Picture category: Animals (Arthropods)
English : The Rustic (Cupha erymanthis) is a species of brush-footed butterfly found in forested areas of tropical South Asia and Southeast Asia. They are usually found puddling on rock and cement plastered surfaces. Taken at Kadavoor, Kerala, India. italiano : Cupha erymanthis.<br /> Foto scattata a Kadavoor, Kerala, India. magyar : Cupha erymanthis (Délkelet-Ázsia) Nederlands : De Cupha erymanthis is een vlindersoort die voorkomt in beboste gebieden van tropisch Zuid-Azië en Zuidoost-Azië. De foto is genomen in Kadavoor in India. русский : Бабочка Cupha erymanthis, Кадавоор, Керала, Индия 中文(简体) : 黄襟蛱蝶(Cupha erymanthis)。