(Portuguese followed by english msg)
Como divulgado anteriormente, amanha será a conferencia REA na ALESP. Mais info aqui: http://rea.net.br/rea-na-alesp/
http://rea.net.br/rea-na-alesp/O evento será passado via Internet! Aqui esta o link para amanha:
*Via esse link, chega-se ao Plenário Paulo Kobayashi é clicar nesse link e ai o sinal será aberto. Mas ressaltamos que a capacidade de acesso é limitada....*
Abraços e ate amanha!
Carol e Bianca
Dear all,
As you know, tomorrow we will be hosting an OER meeting here in Brazil. More info at: http://rea.net.br/rea-na-alesp/
The event will be live webcasted and you can follow it at: http://www.al.sp.gov.br/portal/site/Internet/TvWeb?vgnextoid=4723a1ac72eb811... (the speakers will be presenting most in Portuguse, with some international speakers, such as Hal Plotikin - US Department of Education, Cable Green and John Wilbanks from Creative Commons)
When you access through the link, you will see the plenary "*Paulo Kobayash" and you have to click on it to see the live transmission. We will have limited capacity of access though...So, arrive early! :-)*
Thank you,
Carol Rossini and Bianca Santana OER-Brazil Project