(Portuguese followed by english msg)


Como divulgado anteriormente, amanha será a conferencia REA na ALESP. Mais info aqui: http://rea.net.br/rea-na-alesp/

O evento será passado via Internet! Aqui esta o link para amanha: 

Via esse link, chega-se ao Plenário Paulo Kobayashi é clicar nesse link e ai o sinal será aberto. Mas ressaltamos que a capacidade de acesso é limitada....

Abraços e ate amanha!

Carol e Bianca


Dear all,

As you know, tomorrow we will be hosting an OER meeting here in Brazil. More info at: http://rea.net.br/rea-na-alesp/

The event will be live webcasted and you can follow it at:  http://www.al.sp.gov.br/portal/site/Internet/TvWeb?vgnextoid=4723a1ac72eb8110VgnVCM100000600014acRCRD (the speakers will be presenting most in Portuguse, with some international speakers, such as Hal Plotikin - US Department of Education, Cable Green and John Wilbanks from Creative Commons)

When you access through the link, you will see the plenary "Paulo Kobayash" and you have to click on it to see the live transmission. We will have limited capacity of access though...So, arrive early! :-)

Thank you,

Carol Rossini and Bianca Santana
OER-Brazil Project

Carolina Rossini
Co-coordinator: OER-Brazil
+ 1 6176979389
