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O consórcio OAI é o maior compartilhamento de informação científica
toda a história, no qual as instituições participantes concordaram em
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gratuitos e abertos que agora estarão disponíveis no Brasil através
Biblioteca Digital da Central de Cursos da Universidade Gama Filho, a
maior biblioteca digital do Brasil.
como exemplo do acervo ( ex: artigos; testes; folhetos; )
Nelio Alarcao
talvez para as três listas que estou enviando o email ele é um pouco
fora do tópico, mas eu vejo relação com as três:
1) thackday: acho que vale a pena testar o sistema de crowdfunding,
tanto do ponto de vista técnico do site, assim como o
sistema de pagamento online Talvez podemos usar para
algum projeto que vise "hackear" dados públicos para algum interesse
2) adote um vereador: o projeto da Natália poderá resultar em
excelentes propostas para o Adote um Vereador, o qual poderemos
pressionar vereadores que estamos adotando para implementar algum
projeto de lei após o resultado do projeto visitando todas cidades
(vejam abaixo os links que descrevem o projeto).
3) wikimedia brasil: quero conversar com a Natália como ela está
pensando na questão das licenças que usará para o conteúdo (que poderá
ser riquíssimo) criado a partir do projeto. Claro que, a priori,
pode-se pensar que, até para fins de viabilidade econômica, uma
proteção da obra, por exemplo, para fins comerciais poderá ser uma boa
(usar uma CC-by-NC). Mas eu chuto que não e vou conversar com a
criadora do projeto para ver o que ela pensa sobre o assunto.
Ela disse que quer traduzir o projeto, então colocar muita coisa em
algum dos projetos da Wikimedia Foundation (wikibooks?) ou, ao menos,
com uma licença Creative Commons compatível, poderá ser uma boa para a
tradução colaborativa.
Por fim, achei o projeto legal e talvez alguém aqui queria contribuir. : )
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Natália Garcia <nataliafgarcia arroba>
Date: 2011/2/3
Subject: [bicicletada-SP] Cidades para Pessoas
To: bicicletada sampa <bicicletada-sp(a)>
Queridos, não sei quais de você já recebeu meu e-mail falando sobre o
projeto Cidades para Pessoas.
Estou mandando para a lista para convidar todos os que se interessam
pelo tema "soluções para cidades" e que queiram, de alguma forma,
participar, contribuir ou fazer apontamentos em relação ao projeto –
serão todos muito bem vindos.
Eu não sei vocês, mas todos os dias, eu penso que queria uma cidade
melhor para mim.
Desde que comecei a andar de bicicleta, minha relação com São Paulo
melhorou muito. Mas a proximidade com os problemas da cidade também
aumentou um bocado.
Passei a discutí-los com os amigos, em conversas de bar. E me aflige o
fato de as conclusões serem sempre as mesmas. "Precisamos de mais
metrô", "Não dá pra viver sem carro em São Paulo", "Sem ciclovia não
dá pra pedalar nessa cidade"...
Será mesmo?
Não tenho a resposta. Mas estou indo viajar pelo mundo para tentar descobrir.
Bolei um projeto chamado Cidades para Pessoas e vou passar um ano
conhecendo 12 cidades (e morando durante um mês em cada uma delas)
para coletar boas ideias de planejamento urbano e entender como elas
melhoraram (ou não) a vida de quem mora lá.
O critério de escolha dessas cidades é o urbanista dinamarquês Jan
Gehl, principal responsável pelo atual desenho urbano de Copenhagen.
Graças ao trabalho dele, hoje Copenhagen é a cidade que tem o maior
número de usuários de bicicleta no cotidiano. Depois de implantar
algumas de suas ideias por lá, ele fundou o Gehl Architects e se
dedicou a "Copenhaguizar" o mundo, atuando como planejador ou
consultor em várias cidades. E são essas que escolhi para visitar.
Esse e-mail é para te convidar a acompanhar o projeto, dar sua opinião
sobre ele, divulgá-lo aos seus amigos e dizer que
Eu explico: parte do orçamento do projeto será levantado por
"crowdfunding". Funciona assim: em vez de um investidor graúdo, uma
multidão de pequenos investidores compra cotas de financiamento (que
vão a partir de R$ 20) e ganham recompensas.
Para entender melhor como funciona essa história, conhecer essas cotas
e recompensas e contribuir, passe aqui:
Para saber mais sobre o projeto, veja o blog que criei:
Para marcar uma cerveja e falar mais sobre essa história, ligue no meu
celular: 11 6888-1682.
Conto com vocês. Valeu!
Natália Garcia
+55 11 6888-1682
Reunião com IBMEC nessa manhã para finalizar projeto de cooperação técnica. Assim que aprovado pela diretoria deles, divulgarei o projeto. Att
Caros, gosto bastante de refletir sobre a história e sua evolução. Li na mailing da wikiversidade algo que me chamou atenção: "Back in the early days, Wikipedia was owned by a porn company". Alguém sabe mais sobre isso? Grato
Caros, mais de 200 assistiram, 176 pessoas responderam o instrumento de
avaliação. Notas de 0 a 4
Habilidade para criar interesse sobre o assunto
Clareza e objetividade das exposições
1. Temperatura alta
Conhecimento sobre o assunto
2. Baixa luminosidade
Prepração da palestra
3. Sem acesso a internet
4. Horário
Transmissão de confiança e credibilidade
Relacionamento com a platéia
Carga Horária disponibilizada
O tema da palestra é aplicável à realidade do BB
Condições físicas
Coordenação do evento
Venha para o Movimento Colaborativo !!
Olá pessoal,
Para a tristeza de todos estou retornando 'a lista e 'as wikis. Alguém pode resumir muito brevemente o que de bom e ruim aconteceu neste um ano que fiquei longe daqui ?
Wikipedia can promote health worldwide, say doctors
Heilman JM, Kemmann E, Bonert M, Chatterjee A, Ragar B, Beards GM, Iberri DJ, Harvey M, Thomas B, Stomp W, Martone MF, Lodge DJ, Vondracek A, de Wolff JF, Liber C, Grover SC, Vickers TJ, Meskó B, Laurent MR. "Wikipedia as a key tool for global public health promotion". Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Sept, 2010 - A group of doctors, scientists and medical students who write Wikipedia's medical articles call on their peers to join them in their efforts to provide the sum of all medical knowledge free to the world at large.
In a viewpoint paper published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR, the leading journal on medical informatics), they argue that the possibilities to use Wikipedia as a tool for worldwide health promotion are underestimated, citing its unique global reach and examples of how the Internet encyclopedia is used in humanitarian projects.
The authors are all members of Wikipedia's project that manages the health-related content. They note that both doctors and patients commonly seek health information online. Patients usually turn to search engines like Google for health-related queries, and previous research by these authors has shown that Wikipedia appears among those results in around 75% of cases [1].
Wikipedia's medical content broad and fairly accurate
Based on a review of existing studies of Wikipedia's medical content, the paper concludes that Wikipedia has articles on an incredibly wide range of medical topics with few factual errors, although most of Wikipedia's articles are only in the earliest stages of development and the readability needs to be improved.
"With more than 20,000 articles on health and more than 6,000 drug-related articles, there has never been more freely accessible health information on the Internet thanks to Wikipedia. But now we need more experts to expand these articles and to make them more accessible to the general public at the same time," says Dr. Michaël Laurent, the article's corresponding author.
Although critics have questioned Wikipedia's open editorial policy and examples of errors have been widely published, the authors point out that the encyclopedia has developed multiple strategies to prevent damage to its articles (including the use of vandalism fighting software, automated correction scripts, page protection, edit filters, blocking and banning).
Calling all doctors to contribute
Since WikiProject Medicine was founded by one of the authors (Dr. Jacob F. de Wolff) in April 2004, more than 200 editors (ranging from laypeople and students to doctors, nurses and professors) have registered at the virtual 'doctor's mess', where Wikipedia's medical content is discussed and coordinated. Over the years, the project has developed guidelines about writing good medical articles and finding reliable medical references. "Wikipedia lends itself very well to evidence-based medicine," the article notes.
The group proposes that physicians may contribute to Wikipedia for several reasons, including the intellectual challenge to summarize a medical topic for the general public and the satisfaction that comes from editing an important source of medical information, watching the articles grow and rise among Google results, often outperforming review articles in leading medical journals.
"Wikipedia has an incredible audience. While one may not get accolades for what they contribute here, what one writes matters," comments lead author James Heilman, MD.
"I've written several articles which became the number one Google result for that topic after only a few days, surpassing reviews in core journals or information from universities and professional societies. Writing for Wikipedia means that you get to write what people will be reading," Dr. Laurent explains.
Direct financial or scholarly incentives to promote editing of Wikipedia are still lacking, but the authors suggest several options, like giving doctors CME credits for editing Wikipedia.
Some areas of Wikipedia's medical content are controversial, and the authors sometimes have had to deal with fringe theories and quackery. But they say this should not deter interested medical contributors because plenty of non-controversial work needs to be done. Furthermore, Wikipedia has strict policies against personal threats to editors, and examples of real-life consequences are rare (Dr. Heilman has in the past been investigated -and acquitted- for adding all inkblots to the Wikipedia article on the Rorschach test; see New York Times, Aug 23, 2009).
Wikipedia as a global platform for health knowledge
The paper explains how the encyclopedia could be used as a global platform for disseminating medical knowledge. Wikipedia's format has proven to foster mass collaboration, the encyclopedia exists in over 250 languages and its content is available under a copyleft license.
The article also cautions against the waste of human resources caused by the spread of experts across medical wikis (over 70 of which exist), none of which have attracted a similar 'long tail' of editors or a similar global audience (for a previous discussion on this topic, see the News feature in Nature Medicine, 2007).
The authors point to recent collaborations with the National Institutes of Health, (the philanthropic arm of Google) and the Rfam RNA database, which they believe shows the enthusiasm for Wikipedia as a key source for online biomedical information.
[1] Laurent MR, Vickers TJ. Seeking health information online: does Wikipedia matter? J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2009 Jul-Aug;16(4):471-9.
James M. Heilman, MD, CCFP(EM) is an emergency physician at the Department of Emergency Medicine at Moose Jaw Union Hospital, Moose Jaw, Canada. He is also associated with the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine in Saskatoon, Canada.
Eckhard Kemmann, MD, FACOG is a retired faculty member at the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, UMDNJ-Robert Wood, Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States.
Michael Bonert, MD, MASc is an anatomical pathology resident at the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Anwesh Chatterjee, MRCP is a respiratory medicine specialty registrar at the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Poole General Hospital, Poole, United Kingdom.
Brent Ragar, MD is an attending physician at the Departments of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
Graham M. Beards, DSc is a specialist biomedical and clinical scientist in microbiology at Walsall Manor Hospital, Walsall, United Kingdom.
David J. Iberri is a medical student at the University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, Vermont, United States.
Matthew Harvey, BMed is an anatomical pathology registrar at the Anatomical Pathology Department, Pathology Queensland, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. He is also an associate lecturer at the Division of Cellular and Molecular Pathology, School of Medicine, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Brendan Thomas, MD is a dermatology resident at the department of Dermatology, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, United States.
Wouter Stomp, MD is a PhD candidate at the Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands.
Michael F. Martone is a medical student at Rush University Medical College,Chicago, Illinois, United States.
Daniel J. Lodge, MD is a resident at the Department of Cardiac Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Andrea Vondracek, PhD is a post-doctoral researcher at the department of Immunology, University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine and National Jewish Health, Denver, Colorado, United States.
Jacob F. de Wolff, MRCP is an emergency physician at the Department of Acute Medicine, West Middlesex University Hospital, London, United Kingdom.
Casimir Liber, MBBS, FRANZCP is a psychiatrist at the Department of Psychiatry, Bankstown Health Service, Sydney, Australia, and a conjoint lecturer at the School of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
Samir C. Grover, MD, FRCPC is an assistant professor of medicine at the Division of Gastroenterology, St. Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Tim J. Vickers, MSc, PhD is a staff scientist at the Department of Molecular Microbiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, United States.
Bertalan Meskó, MD is a PhD candidate at the Medical School and Health Science Center, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary.
Dr. Michaël R. Laurent is a specialty registrar in internal medicine at the Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
Contact information
Interested members of the press may contact the authors via e-mail:
michael.laurent(a) or jmh649(a)
About the Journal
The Journal of Medical Internet Research is the leading peer-reviewed scientific journal in the field of medical Informatics, with an impact factor of 3.9 in 2009.
About Wikipedia
Wikipedia ( ) is a multilingual, free-content online encyclopedia to which anyone can contribute. Wikipedia and its sister projects are operated by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, a registered charity.
Since its creation in 2001, Wikipedia has grown rapidly into one of the largest reference web sites, attracting 398 million visitors monthly as of September 2010. There are more than 82,000 active contributors working on more than 35 million articles and files in more than 270 languages. The English Wikipedia currently contains more than 3.5 million articles. According to Internet marketing research companies like comScore and Alexa, Wikipedia is among the ten most visited websites worldwide, and it is the only non-profit organization in the top ten.
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