What is the version of Kiwix are you install, does it the version with the downloader composant ?
"Linterweb has stopped his collaboration with Kiwix. As Linterweb did not publish the 0.7 [1] source code, this version will not be recognized as a standard Kiwix release and will neither be supported. If you want more information concerning 0.7 [2] and the _live corpus_, please contact Linterweb."
It s just because it s probably our last version of Kiwix ( V 0.7 ) that you install.
I want to congratulate you on your work.
I share your
emotion. In the state of Nueva Esparta Venezuela kiwix we have
in 53 schools only in 2009. I think the work should go beyond
wikimedia's work should bring knowledge to those most in need. It
is not
enough to have the information online, we activists we dirtied with
mud to
the knees, we do long walks with a goal that is immensely rewarding. I
invite everyone to do the same.
I believe and I'm sure would be nice
to forget the business problem for a
moment, we join personal effort
rather than money alone.
We must remember that poverty is a cultural
issue, poverty is not an
economic problem. The economic problem is the
result of a cultural problem.
www.kiwix.org [3]
Links: ------ [1] http://kiwix.org/index.php/0.7 [2] http://kiwix.org/index.php/0.7 [3] http://www.kiwix.org/
I have installed a version of Kiwix 0.8 for Linux with a ZIM file in Spanish (like this one: http://tmp.kiwix.org/zim/0.8/wikipedia_es_kiwix_120000+_06_2009_alpha4.zim)http://tmp.kiwix.org/zim/0.8/wikipedia_es_kiwix_120000+_06_2009_alpha4.zim%29%22