Angela_ wrote:
- Board members
Tim and Michael will have less active involvement than the other members of the Board but Jimbo stated that their presence on the Board would not mean the votes of Angela and Anthere would be automatically overridden. It was suggested that the Board should be enlarged at some point, possibly later this year, and that prominent people external to Wikipedia could be invited to hold positions on the Board.
While it might be nice to recruit prominent Board members from outside Wikipedia (this could help with visibility and fundraising), we also need to be sure that people on the Board are willing to be actively involved. Tim Shell and Michael Davis are okay for now, as associates of Jimbo, but without a professional staff to run the Foundation we can't afford to have most of our Board members at that level of involvement. One possibility is to include additional community representation as part of any Board expansion. Another idea is that these prominent people, if they can't make the commitment necessary to serve on the Board, might be given other advisory roles instead.
It's also possible for the Board to get too big, so that it's no longer effective or able to make decisions when needed. At five members, we're certainly not in danger of that yet, but it's something that must be considered if we expand the Board.
Jimbo will contact a German lawyer regarding the registration of the Wikimedia trademark in Germany, which someone else is currently attempting to register.
This is the first I've heard about this attempt. If it's not too much trouble, I would be interested to get some more information about it (off-list is fine). I might also be able to help with the communications if necessary, since I speak German, though I have no particular training in German law.
--Michael Snow
Michael Snow wrote:
Jimbo will contact a German lawyer regarding the registration of the Wikimedia trademark in Germany, which someone else is currently attempting to register.
This is the first I've heard about this attempt. If it's not too much trouble, I would be interested to get some more information about it (off-list is fine). I might also be able to help with the communications if necessary, since I speak German, though I have no particular training in German law.
First, it's about Wikipedia, not Wikimedia. Date of application is 08.03.2004, so we missed already the 3 month period where we can object.
Raw data in German is attached, short abstract: application is filed as a word mark by Joerg Nagel, Legan promotion (, for three classes: 22, 25, 28: (long list abbreviated: f.e. textiles, toys, games, tents, sports wear, christmas decorations)
greetings, elian
UG01 - Kurzer Überblick Markentext: WIKIPEDIA Markenform: Wortmarke Inhaber: Nagel, Jörg, Reutlingen Leitklasse: 22 Klassen: 22; 25; 28 Letzter Verfahrensstand: Empfangsbescheinigung mit Veroeffentl.d.Anmeldung
UG10 - Allgemeine Angaben Markentext: WIKIPEDIA Markenform: Wortmarke Letzter Verfahrensstand: Empfangsbescheinigung mit Veroeffentl.d.Anmeldung
UG15 - Inhaber, Vertreter Name und Wohnort/Sitz des Anmelders/Inhabers der Marke: Nagel, Jörg, Reutlingen Zustellungsanschrift: Legan promotion GmbH & Co. KG Auchtertstr.4 72770 Reutlingen
UG20 - Waren/Dienstleistungen (gegenwärtiger Stand) Leitklasse: 22 Klassen: 22; 25; 28 Erfassung / Umklassifizierung gemäß Nizzaer Klassifikation (NCL 8) Datum der Erfassung / Umklassifizierung: 18.03.2004
UG30 - Verfahren (Chronologie) Anmeldetag: 08.03.2004
* Klasse 22: Seile, Bindfaden, Netze, Zelte, Planen, Segel, Säcke (soweit sie nicht in anderen Klassen enthalten sind); Polsterfüllstoffe (außer aus Kautschuk oder Kunststoffen); rohe Gespinstfasern * Klasse 25: Bekleidungsstücke, Schuhwaren, Kopfbedeckungen * Klasse 28: Spiele, Spielzeug; Turn- und Sportartikel, soweit sie nicht in anderen Klassen enthalten sind; Christbaumschmuck.
On Mon, 12 Jul 2004 00:02:35 +0200, Elisabeth Bauer wrote:
First, it's about Wikipedia, not Wikimedia.
Sorry, that was just a typo. It was of course the Wikipedia trademark in Germany that we discussed, not the Wikimedia one. It makes up for all the times I type Wikipedia when I mean Wikimedia. :)
I've adjust the copy of the minutes on meta.