On Tue, 30 May 2006, Anthere wrote:
Jimbo says
"... nous souhaitons g�n�rer une version � stable � des articles, v�rifi�e et approuv�e par des experts sur le sujet, tout en maintenant la possibilit� de le modifier. Il est hors de question de demander aux b�n�voles de faire le plus gros du travail, et de demander � un expert de peaufiner le rest."
"We wish to create a stable version of all articles, checked and approved by experts on the topic, whilst keeping the option of modification of the article. It is excluded to ask volunteers to do most of the bulk work, and to ask to an expert to just take care of the polishing".
What was meant here ?
I don't know, but experts are volunteers too, something most of the world constantly forgets. We need a list of contributors who are experts -- divided into those who contribute in their field of expertise, and those who avoid that like the plague.