What's making me happy this week -- I will reword this to say, "what's making me grateful this week" -- is the summary from Andre Klapper about results from Google Code-in 2017.
I say "grateful" rather than "happy" because, although I'm grateful for the contributions of these developers and the people who mentored them, I am mindful that many of us, like some of these developers, have sacrificed some measure of success in school, time for sleep or other healthy activities, and/or opportunities for paid work, because for we decided that Wikimedia was a higher priority. One of my hopes is that people will contribute to Wikimedia in a way that is sustainable and healthy for themselves personally, and that may mean that people should prioritize (for example) school and sleep before they work on Wikimedia projects.
I am, nonetheless, grateful for the good outcomes of this campaign, including the comments from students who said that overall they enjoyed their participation. I hope that future rounds we can help them to get enough sleep and succeed in school while participating in Google Code-in. :)
What's making you happy or grateful this week?
Pine https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Pine
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Andre Klapper aklapper@wikimedia.org Date: Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 11:45 AM Subject: [Wikitech-l] Google Code-in 2017: Students' summaries To: Wikimedia developers wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org
After seven weeks, Google Code-in 2017 ended.
Wikimedia has seen 760 completed tasks (last year: 453). 300 students (last year: 192) finished at least one task (out of 686 who worked on Wikimedia tasks). Supported by 51 active mentors (last year: 46). Thanks everybody who took part - students, mentors, admins, everyone who helped sort out issues and answer questions, Google.
Numerous contributors have blogged about their experience. Reading these posts is a good use of time to get reminded why free and open source software communities can be a beautiful:
https://www.codebucket.de/blog/contest/2018/01/17/ google-code-in-2017-and-the-future.html https://medium.com/@Albert221/the-end-of-gci2017-or-maybe-not-d82758d359b1 https://struggling-math-tech.blogspot.com/2018/01/my- experiences-with-google-code-in.html https://blog.phandev.net/posts/gci17 http://gciexpreincewithwikimedia.blogspot.com/2018/01/my-gci- exprience-with-wikimedia.html https://omkarfarmax.blogspot.com/2018/01/google-code-in- best-thing-ever-happened.html https://googlegcitaskanurag.blogspot.com/2018/01/my-gci- experience-with-google-and.html https://www.arefly.com/google-code-in-2017-wikimedia/
For the complete list, see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Google_Code-in/2017#Wrap-up_blog_posts
Thanks, andre