Over here.... http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Benefactors/De#Major_benefactors_.28.245...
...the Wikimedia Foundation gives credit to "the Stanton Foundation". It's my learning that "the Stanton Foundation" is a small non-profit located in Jackon, Michigan. However, "The Ruth and Frank Stanton Fund" is a large foundation (about $28 million in holdings, in 2007) that has made the high-profile donations in the past that are associated with the legacy of CBS head, Frank Stanton.
There are other places on the web where it seems that the Ruth and Frank Stanton Fund has been described as "the Stanton Foundation", namely surrounding their $3 million donation to a Boston animal shelter. Does anybody have a good explanation for what is happening here? Is the "Fund" being miscalled as a "Foundation", and it's just a simple mistake? Or, has the Ruth and Frank Stanton Fund split off or reorganized at some point since their 2007 filing of the Form 990, as the "Stanton Foundation"?
2009/1/26 Gregory Kohs thekohser@gmail.com:
Over here.... http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Benefactors/De#Major_benefactors_.28.245...
...the Wikimedia Foundation gives credit to "the Stanton Foundation". It's my learning that "the Stanton Foundation" is a small non-profit located in Jackon, Michigan. However, "The Ruth and Frank Stanton Fund" is a large foundation (about $28 million in holdings, in 2007) that has made the high-profile donations in the past that are associated with the legacy of CBS head, Frank Stanton.
Given that the WMF will have had substantial communications with them for some time before getting the money, I think it's highly unlikely WMF would get their name wrong. What gives you the idea that the Stanton Foundation is a small Michigan non-profit?
Thomas Dalton hett schreven:
2009/1/26 Gregory Kohs thekohser@gmail.com:
Over here.... http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Benefactors/De#Major_benefactors_.28.245...
...the Wikimedia Foundation gives credit to "the Stanton Foundation". It's my learning that "the Stanton Foundation" is a small non-profit located in Jackon, Michigan. However, "The Ruth and Frank Stanton Fund" is a large foundation (about $28 million in holdings, in 2007) that has made the high-profile donations in the past that are associated with the legacy of CBS head, Frank Stanton.
Given that the WMF will have had substantial communications with them for some time before getting the money, I think it's highly unlikely WMF would get their name wrong. What gives you the idea that the Stanton Foundation is a small Michigan non-profit?
He wrote that. Each foundation has to file Form 990. Those forms can be searched online http://tfcny.fdncenter.org/990s/990search/esearch.php. The search term "Stanton Foundation" returns only small foundations. The biggest is the Oliver & Elizabeth Stanton Foundation with assets of 6 million $. They spend around 100,000 each year, which is not enough to fit. There's a Bonfils-Stanton Foundation too with more assets, but I guess, it would have been named with the full name and not abbreviated. The Stanton Fund has spent 1,2 million $ in 2007, which is the fitting magnitude. But the profile of their spendings is not obviously related to the Wikimedia donation.
(That's all no support of the idea, the WMF got wrong the name, just information without judgement.)
Marcus Buck