Hello everyone
I wanted to share the link to the youtube version of the last episode of WikiAfrica Hour : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmLcuMNIhcQ
The last episode took place last Friday, but a technical glitch broke the live session display on youtube :( We uploaded a new clean and complete version earlier today.
The episode was about : How are Wikis easily identified? Why are these identities important? It's a round table discussion with the teams behind the respective identities associated to various Wikimedia projects.
The topic of this month was of interest to the entire community. The guests were : * Zack McCune, Director of Brand, Wikimedia Foundation * Erina Mukuta, Wikimedia Sound Logo community liaison
The record is one hour long, but chapters allow you to go to specific moments in the record.
More about the WikiAfrica Hour : https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiAfrica_Hour