Hello everyone,
I would like to inform you that* the deadline for the CEE Meeting 2019 registration is extended until August 3! *
Although we have announced that here will be no extension of deadline, we'll do that due to a lot of suggestion from the communities. Some of the CEE communities need more time to choose their representatives and unfortunately that caused small number of registered participants so far.
I will use this opportunity to strongly suggest to the all of the delegates to register in timely manner. You can find more details on the following links:
- Registration form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeRR002uKE4lrzJYTt4qJ9uhioFI7bLmiq2... - CEE Meeting meta page: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_CEE_Meeting_2019
*Please note that there will be no more extensions and that only those who register until August 3 will be taken into account. *
Feel free to reach out if you need assistance or additional information.
Best, Ивана Маџаревић менаџер пројеката и заједнице, Викимедија Србије p: 011 3348 468 m: 060 74 54 773 a: Дечанска 4/3, Београд s: rs.wikimedia.org e: ivana.madzarevic@vikimedija.org
*Замислите свет у коме свака особа на планети има слободан приступ целокупном људском знању. То је оно на чему ми радимо.*