There is something seriously wrong with the figures for some wikipedias in the new wikistats reports. The figures for some wikis are much too low. When comparing csv files (raw counts) produced in May 2008 and produced recently it is quite easy to tell the difference. For some wikis the data for months up to May 2008 are equal in the old and new files, for other wikis the counts are completely different for any month from the start of the wiki.
I am truly sorry that I did not spot this earlier. The scripts that handle basic data gathering have not changed recently. Instead I have been completely focused on optimizing the reporting scripts and adding presentation logic. I have restored the May 2008 version of wikistats. I will start to investigate tomorrow. For now Happy Xmas :)
Erik Zachte
Beste Erik,
Kan gebeuren, ik verwacht des te meer met spanning de nieuwe cijfers. Goed dat je het even nog hebt gemeldt, want ik was al een bijdraag voor een maillinglist aan het schrijven over de heel lage cijfers voor Duitse nieuwe wikipedianen. Erik, het was mooi om je te leren kennen, en in 2009 zou ik graag het met jou nog over het een en ander hebben. Ook al is mijn begrip voor getallen en statistiek maar praktisch en niet zeer vakkundig.
Het beste voor 2009 en Wikipedia-vrije feestdagen wenst je
Ziko van Dijk
2008/12/25 Erik Zachte
There is something seriously wrong with the figures for some wikipedias in the new wikistats reports. The figures for some wikis are much too low. When comparing csv files (raw counts) produced in May 2008 and produced recently it is quite easy to tell the difference. For some wikis the data for months up to May 2008 are equal in the old and new files, for other wikis the counts are completely different for any month from the start of the wiki.
I am truly sorry that I did not spot this earlier. The scripts that handle basic data gathering have not changed recently. Instead I have been completely focused on optimizing the reporting scripts and adding presentation logic. I have restored the May 2008 version of wikistats. I will start to investigate tomorrow. For now Happy Xmas :)
Erik Zachte
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