The reason of wikimediafoundation site is to present a unified front to outside. It should be clean, with no dispute, and it should be consistent with the Foundation frame of mind. It should also contain a whole bunch of data, which should not be modified too easily by anyone (like financial issues).
This can be done using rights management and page approval. Having a combined wiki helps in collaborating as a community on matters such as press releases and general news.
Now, I remember very well your CPOV proposition, which aimed at strongly limiting access to meta, by requesting that people identify themselves by real names to have the right for their edits to be claimed trustworthy, when the edits of non real people were labelled "untrusted or non representative of a so-called community point of view" by default.
Wow. This is a gross misrepresentation of what I said. I am frankly flabbergasted. See:
In the *discussion* I suggested that *personal essays which deviate from the CPOV* (such as our favorite troll pages) should be signed, and that unsigned pages could be refactored or removed. This was a compromise proposal towards you to not have to completely exclude such pages. Next time you "remember something very well", you may want to look it up first.
This CPOV proposition will have to happen over my dead body :-)
Fortunately, Wikimedia is democratically governed.