Dear fellow Wikimedians,
What’s the best way to discuss movement strategy? Over a meal, of course!
Strategy salons are short events that bring people together in person to enjoy a meal and talk about the movement strategy in detail. We encourage affiliates to host strategy salons with their member community. This year, we will also be funding 10 youth-focused strategy salons, where you can host discussions about the future of Wikimedia with youth in your local area. *This video [1] gives a short introduction to the strategy salon concept. *
To help make strategy salons happen, we are launching a grant application process: affiliates can apply for grants of between $500 and $1500 that can be used to run an in-person strategy discussion event between June 1st and September 15th.
To find out more about strategy salons and for links to the application, visit our page on Meta-Wiki [2]. Thank you, and we’re excited to see what events you come up with to take strategy discussions forward this summer.