Hi all,
From time to time, we have a chance in WMF Research to start a research
collaboration with researchers in academia/industry. In this case, we may have an opportunity to form a research collaboration to spend some of our attention on minority/gender gap issues on Wikipedia [1].
There is a specific proposal [2] that I would like to hear if you and/or your community are interested to work with us on. As you will see once you read the proposal, the general idea of the intervention suggested will require at least one community, likely more depending on the size of the community, being willing to work with us and give it a try. Individual contributors, chapters, affiliates, and user groups are all welcome, as I understand the gender/minority gap is a topic that many of you are interested in.
Please leave comments on the discussion page of the proposal if you would like to get more involved or if you have questions/comments.
Thank you! :)
Best, Leila
[1] The current proposal is for Wikipedia. However, this does not need to remain a research project on Wikipedia. For example, it would be invaluable to learn if there are differences in projects in terms of how their volunteer projects respond to interventions with the aim of reducing gender gap, for example. So, if your project is not Wikipedia, you're still welcome to get in touch with me.
[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Voice_and_exit_in_a_voluntary_work_...
-- Leila Zia Senior Research Scientist Wikimedia Foundation