Hello Everyone,
In September we asked for your participation in a pilot office hour series which would take place over the last 3 months. December marks the end of our pilot: we are organizing Campaign office hours to experiment with a new communication channel about campaign practices in the movement.
The next pilot office hour will be on 2nd December at 3:00pm UTC via the zoom link.[1] The session will focus on: Sharing lessons and strategies from 1lib1ref, and our growth strategy in CEE for January and discussions on the way forward for the campaign's office hour and other communication opportunities around campaigns.
Don’t miss our last of the pilot series: we want to learn about your questions, experiences, new ideas for content campaigns and the way to further engage and provide support to your communities.
After the office hour, we will be evaluating our office hours, and will reach out to learn more from your priorities about campaign communications.
Looking forward to learning, discussing and sharing with you!
Felix Nartey
[1] - https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/94391226637?pwd=MHovSVBnczdicnJLUWVTK2RXRGNuUT09 https://www.google.com/url?q=https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/94391226637?pwd%3DMHovSVBnczdicnJLUWVTK2RXRGNuUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1606171429911000&usg=AOvVaw26KEe24iLVV5vwmu43FoP5