All of you that have such a keen interest, deep knowledge and great insights in matters of privacy, what is public and non-public, are cordially invited to lend some of your expertise to my humble request for comment:
Everybody else is also very much welcome. Your comment is just as important for me as that of all those that post to this list put together. Yes, I mean YOU, who were always too busy, too shy or too intimidated to voice your opinion. This is YOUR chance to be heard, to voice your opinion. Once you get started, nothing and nobody will stop you.
I regret not having a problem of planetary scope, but small is the nature of most of our daily obstacles, namely those any common mortal has to face at the Portuguese Wikipedia.
Virgilio A. P. Machado (Vapmachado)
P.S. Please don't take this message too seriously. My invitation is plain and simple: I would like to hear from you all. Here, on the page listed above, through my e-mail. Even attempts to insult me are welcome. No guaranty you'll succeed though (here I go again...)