What I find very interesting is to see that most projects follow the same pattern of growth; so, by far, most bubbles stick together, except for an occasional freely-willed bubble.
You may just be seeing an artefact of the logarithmic vertical scale - does "a factor of 10" count as sticking together?
Of course a logarithmic scale tends to mask 'nuances', precisely because it squeezes widely diverging values.
As Brion already explained: "A logarithmic scale is basically the only way you're going to see the smaller ones at all -- on a linear scale they'd be totally dwarfed by the few biggest."
On second thought, why not have both? You can now switch between lineair and logarithmic scale. And in lineair mode you can resize the vertical scale so that smaller projects can be followed. New version for now as Firefox 3 interactive version only. Not yet recorded as Flash.
Erik Zachte
Of course a logarithmic scale tends to mask 'nuances', precisely because it squeezes widely diverging values.
Well, it masks nuances for large values and extenuates them for small values.
On second thought, why not have both? You can now switch between lineair and logarithmic scale.
Problem solved!