The second edition of The Wikinewsie Group Newsletter is officially published at
This edition includes information on GLAM, Education, research activities, technical news, local project news and our original reporting efforts across all projects. To subscribe to our on wiki version, please list your name at .
Newsletter text below.
Sincerely, Laura Hale
The Wikinewsie Group News
There is less to report, as the group spent time focusing on behind-the-scenes aspects of obtaining thematic organization recognition. Aff-Comm application status updates
- The Wikinewsie Group answered several questions from the Affiliations Committee at Talk:The Wikinewsie Group/Bylaws .
Education and GLAM
- Members are working to create educational materials to use at training workshops in English and Spanish. Current print training materials include a one page guide to original sport reporting on English English Wikinews , a one page guide to conducting multilingual interviews , a guide to getting photo essays published and a guide to writing for English Wikinews . - The University of Wollongong class participation on English *Wikinews* is winding up as the semester ended. It looks like a new semester may be starting soon. The instructor has created a presentation about the class on *Wikinews* that can be found at StudentsInWikinews . - A member of The Wikinewsie Group met with a GLAM partner about the value of English *Wikinews* and Wikinoticias for freely sharing knowledge about culture.
Technical updates
- Pi zero has moved to a new phase in the development of an improved reviewing tool for English *Wikinews*. - Gryllida is working on the development of a tool to make translating material from one project to another easier. The new beta *wmtrans* translation tool here, which you can use to translate*Wikipedia* and *Wikinews* articles from one language to another. Its difference from the Meta translation tools is include the the ability to translate an article as a whole, per-paragraph, and add new paragraphs if desired; a dictionary box for you to look up geographical names without loading entire Wikipedia pages; and whole-page translation philosophy instead of translating by parts. The tool also features a multilingual interface; you can add new sections to data.ini to add your own. You are encouraged to send them, and bug reports, to Gryllida - Discussions have been going on behind the scenes about the potential for The Wikinewsie Group to support the technical aspects for Wikinews project development following suggestions on Wikimedia-l that this would be a place chapters could demonstrate leadership potential and work with the Foundation. There are currently a number of developers active in the Wikinews community.
- Given feedback by a member of the Wikimedia Foundation Board (Samuel Klien that the English language project should consider content import from other free news sources as a way of increasing community participation, content output and traffic, research was done inside the community using another language project as a baseline to determine the potential impact in terms of achieving those goals. A copy of this research can be found at Research:Wikinews Content Import Analysis In a nutshell, the findings are: content import did *not* result in increased community output or increased community size. Content import also resulted in fewer page views per published article. Content import was not successful at achieving a positive community or traffic related impact. - A tiny piece of research done examining relative article popularity by year on English *Wikinews* can found at Article rank and article date More in-depth research along these lines may produce interesting results.
Across the languages
- Over on Italian Wikinews on July 25, they hit 30,000 total pages. - English Wikinews completed elections for their Arbitration Committee Brian McNeil, Pi zero, Mikemoral, LauraHale, RockerballAustralia, and William S. Saturn were elected to the one year position.
Content work
- Laura Hale wrote a report : A report on the coverage of Spanish athletes at the 2013 IPC Athletic World Championship The chance to interview athletes came about because of successfully covering the IPC Alpine Skiing World Championship earlier in the year. - Brian McNeil — currently at the Edinburgh Fringe — is sharing a variety of video clips via English *Wikinews'* Facebook page Copyright restrictions prevent most of these media files being uploaded to Commons; fair-use on *Wikinews* itself requires legal advice beforehand.
- Georgina Gordon at The Pear Tree - Georgina Gordon at The Pear Tree - Roy Henderson at The Pear Tree - Roy Henderson at The Pear Tree - Australian street artist, playing with fire, in Edinburgh's Grassmarket (*Could* go on Commons — if not for the fact that the 720p theora version of the clip exceeds the upload limit by 50%).
Other news
- Two members of the The Wikinewsie Group provisional board attend the IRC meeting on July 26 for the Program Evaluation and Design as the board begins to think about and conducts its own evaluation of efforts to increase content and increase community participation. They observed the August 1 metrics meeting.
------------------------------ Why Wikinews? Editorials on why people support and contribute to Wikinews projects
- (English) Why I love English Wikinews by Laura Hale - (English) Why I love English Wikinews by Hawkeye7 - (English) Why I love English Wikinews by Pi zero
------------------------------ Wikinews Original Reporting
The following is a list of all original reporting done on Wikinews projects from June 1, 2013 to July 31, 2013. Ukrainian*See also: Авторський репортаж The wiki uses nothing for the publish process.*
- Визначені лауреати Премії імені академіка Петра Тронька (created by Perohanych 2013-07-10 - ВздовжКарпатська експедиція 2013 (created by Antanana 2013-07-09 - У Києві вперше виступив Кронос-квартет (created by Fed4ev 2013-07-06 - Луганський обласний козачий кінний театр «Лугарі» показав звитягу на Дикому полі (created by Yakudza 2013-07-05 - На Луганщині пройшов козацький фестиваль «Звитяги Дикого поля» (created by Yakudza 2013-06-30 - Завершився 82-й чемпіонат України з шахів (created by Fed4ev 2013-06-26 - Завершується 82-й чемпіонат України з шахів (created by Fed4ev 2013-06-25 - Астрологічний прогноз: перехід Чорного Місяця в Знак Рака (created by Olena Zakharian 2013-06-20 - «Сокіл» Бортнянського в університеті Грінченка (created by Antanana 2013-06-12 - Документальний фільм «Відкритий доступ» вдруге було показано у Харкові (created by Kharkivian 2013-06-12 - Виставка митців Одеської школи розпочинається в Києві (created by Olena Zakharian 2013-06-12 - Нагороджено переможців конкурсу «Вікі любить Землю» (created by Olena Zakharian 2013-06-10 - Вікімедіа РУ: перший конкурс із призами (created by Antanana 2013-06-05
Portuguese*See also: Reportagens originais , Publicado The wiki uses a category for the publish process.*
- Começam os Jogos Mundiais em Cali, Colômbia,_Col%C3%B4mbia (created by Sahaquiel9102 2013-07-28
Spanish*See also: Wikinoticias:Reportajes originales sin notas , Artículos publicados The wiki uses a category for the publish process.*
- Finaliza el segundo día de competencias de disco volador en los Juegos Mundiales de 2013 (created by Sahaquiel9102 2013-07-30 - Con un espectáculo de fuegos artificiales y baile se inauguran los Juegos Mundiales 2013 en Cali (created by Sahaquiel9102 2013-07-26 - La selección mexicana de jiu-jitsu se declara lista para los Juegos Mundiales de 2013 (created by PetrohsW 2013-07-25 - Inicia el Mundial de Taekwondo 2013 en Puebla, México,_M%C3%A9xico (created by PetrohsW 2013-07-25 - El Festival de Cine Creative Commons Ciudad de México busca fondos para su segunda edición (created by PetrohsW 2013-07-20 - Un Boeing 777 de Asiana Airlines se estrella en el Aeropuerto Internacional de San Francisco (created by MadriCR 2013-07-16 - Una caída generalizada de Facebook afecta millones de personas (created by MadriCR 2013-06-25 - Una fiscalía de Costa Rica abre una investigación contra el ex presidente de Perú Alejandro Toledo (created by MadriCR 2013-06-18 - Una fiscalía costarricense congela una cuenta bancaria del expresidente peruano Alejandro Toledo (created by MadriCR 2013-06-18
Russian*See also: Оригинальные репортажи , Опубликовано The wiki uses a category for the publish process.*
- Скончался архитектор Иван Борисович Пуришев (created by PereslavlFoto 2013-07-31 - День рождения Андрея Сучилина в «Китайском лётчике Джао Да» (фоторепортаж) (created by Krassotkin 2013-07-30 - Дмитрий Зворыкин: «Мы можем себе очень сильно помочь, выбрав Навального в мэры»,_%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2_%D0%9D%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE_%D0%B2_%D0%BC%D1%8D%D1%80%D1%8B%C2%BB (created by Dmitry Rozhkov 2013-07-30 - Граждане России голосуют «За свободный интернет» (created by Krassotkin 2013-07-29 - Григорий Степанов: «Я созрел голосовать за Навального ещё год или два назад» (created by Dmitry Rozhkov 2013-07-26 - В русском Викигиде 2000 статей!! (created by Brateevsky 2013-07-26 - Выставка «Гений да Винчи» (фоторепортаж) (created by Krassotkin 2013-07-05 - Канберра: день открытых дверей на плотине Коттер (created by Gryllida 2013-06-26 - Восстановлен Памятный крест на Александровой горе (created by PereslavlFoto 2013-06-24 - Переславский музей отменил дискриминацию иностранцев (created by Переславский музей-заповедник 2013-06-23 - Рок-фестиваль «Остров» 2013 завершился. Ждём «Остров» 2014 (created by Schekinov Alexey Victorovich 2013-06-17 - Башкирская Википедия посетила чемпионат мира по международным шашкам (created by Рөстәм Нурыев 2013-06-17 - Рок-остров на Северной Двине (created by Schekinov Alexey Victorovich 2013-06-15 - Ютуб-рекорды свердловского интернет-телевидения (created by Ssr 2013-06-10 - 250 тысяч за написание статей в Википедии: Галерея Славы Юга России и Востока Украины (created by Krassotkin 2013-06-04 - Состоялся первый конкурс «Краса Северодвинска» (created by Schekinov Alexey Victorovich 2013-06-02 - Слуги народа продолжают издеваться над хозяевами (created by Schekinov Alexey Victorovich (Not yet published)
French*See also: Reportage original , Article publié The wiki uses a category for the publish process.*
- Grasse : concert I Muvrini (created by Copyleft 2013-07-29 - Cyclisme : le trinidadien Emile Abraham remporte le Tour de Québec (created by Letartean 2013-07-29 - Première journée du Forum mondial de la langue française (created by Design2012 2013-07-23 - La Patrouille de France fête ses 60 ans d'existence au Bourget, en compagnie de l'Airbus A350,_en_compagnie_de_l%27Airbus_A350 (created by Gfsas 2013-06-21 - France : 11e édition de Planete PME (created by Copyleft 2013-06-19 - Le cinquantième SIAE a ouvert ses portes au Bourget (created by Gfsas 2013-06-18 - France : 8ème Global Conference à l'Unesco (created by Copyleft 2013-06-10 - France : le CNRS organise une journée sur Wikipédia (created by Copyleft 2013-06-07 - Besançon : conférence sur le climat en présence de Claude Lorius (created by Juraastro 2013-06-04 - Québec : tout n'est pas que rose au Forum mondial de la langue française (created by Design2012 2012-12-14
Italian*See also: Notizia originale , Pubblicati The wiki uses a category for the publish process.*
- Viaggio umanitario del CIS in Senegal e Mali (created by 2013-06-04 - Milano: apre oggi il forum internazionale "Economia e società aperta" (created by Tooby 2013-06-03
Chinese*See also: 原创报导 , 已发布 The wiki uses a category for the publish process.*
- 西安动漫游戏文化节 (created by Aoke1989 2013-06-03
Esperanto*See also: Originalaj raportaĵoj , Publikigitaj artikoloj The wiki uses a category for the publish process.*
- Finiĝas la dua tago de konkurado de Fluganta Telero ĉe la Mondaj Ludoj de 2013 (created by Sahaquiel9102 2013-07-30 - Komenciĝas la 9-aj Mondaj Ludoj en Kalio, Kolombio,_Kolombio (created by Sahaquiel9102 2013-07-26
Polish*See also: Materiały autorskie The wiki uses a category for the publish process.*
- Protesty ws. uboju rytualnego (created by Plogi 2013-07-11 - Solidarna Polska o rządach komisarza w Oświęcimiu, który przegrał wybory,_kt%C3%B3ry_przegra%C5%82_wybory (created by Plogi 2013-07-11 - Jose Barroso po spotkaniu z Donaldem Tuskiem (created by Plogi 2013-07-11 - PiS złoży projekt ustawy o ustanowieniu Krzyża Wschodniego (created by Plogi 2013-07-11 - Niemcy: Nowe władze Związku Polaków w Niemczech zarejestrowane (created by Macia11 2013-07-02 - Festiwal Ursynalia 2013 w Warszawie - fotoreportaż (created by Spens03 2013-06-25 - Ogólnopolski Festiwal Projektów 2013 (created by Azymut 2013-06-23 - Chór Les Petits Chanteurs de Passy w Polsce (created by Paterm 2013-06-22 - W Kielcach rozpoczęły się targi SACROEXPO 2013 (created by Gagorski 2013-06-17 - Noc Kupały 2013 w Polsce (created by Reguly 2013-06-14
English*See also: Original reporting , Published The wiki uses flagged revisions for the publish process.*
- Noosa get bonus point win against Nambour in round 18 of Sunshine Coast Rugby Union (created by RockerballAustralia 2013-07-30 - Ninth World Games open in Santiago de Cali, Colombia,_Colombia (created by User: 2013-07-26 - Wikinews interviews Australian Paralympic assistant coach David Gould (created by Hawkeye7 2013-07-25 - Nineteenth Maccabiah Games open in Jerusalem (created by Maor X 2013-07-21 - Noosa defeat Caloundra in Sunshine Coast Rugby Union round seventeen (created by RockerballAustralia 2013-07-21 - Wikinews interviews Spanish Paralympic track and field athlete David Casinos (created by LauraHale 2013-07-19 - Wikinews interviews Spanish Paralympic track and field athlete Elena Congost Mohedano (created by LauraHale 2013-07-18 - Wikinews interviews Spanish Paralympic track and field athlete Alberto Suárez Laso (created by LauraHale 2013-07-17 - House of Lords approve same-sex marriage bill at third reading (created by Tom Morris 2013-07-16 - Wikinews interviews Spanish Paralympic track and field athlete Gustavo Nieves Campello (created by LauraHale 2013-07-16 - Moldovan premier invites Romanian counterpart to pipeline start (created by Calusarul 2013-07-12 - Cricket: Northamptonshire defeat Warwickshire by 27 runs in Twenty20 match (created by Computron 2013-07-08 - San Fermín de los Navarros church in Madrid celebrates patron day (created by LauraHale 2013-07-06 - Wikinews interviews a Restore the Fourth organizer (created by KuduIO 2013-07-03 - Pride in London 2013: in pictures (created by Tom Morris 2013-07-01 - Canberrans flood Cotter Dam on open day (created by Hawkeye7 2013-06-26 - Toowoomba, Brisbane City take out Roller Derby wins on Australia's Sunshine Coast,_Brisbane_City_take_out_Roller_Derby_wins_on_Australia%27s_Sunshine_Coast (created by RockerballAustralia 2013-06-24 - Questions raised over Mosquito device ahead of New South Wales trial (created by Gem224 2013-06-23 - Sunshine Coast Rugby Union, round twelve: Maroochydore defeat University at University,_round_twelve:_Maroochydore_defeat_University_at_University (created by RockerballAustralia 2013-06-17 - Gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo comments on North Colorado proposal (created by William S. Saturn 2013-06-15 - Australian Paralympians cycling around Fiji for people with disabilities (created by Hawkeye7 2013-06-12 - Wikinews interviews biologist Chris Simon about periodical cicadas (created by Gryllida 2013-06-12 - Man dies in North Uist, Outer Hebrides after being hit by car,_Outer_Hebrides_after_being_hit_by_car (created by Rayboy8 2013-06-10