taken from http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Metapub#PMS_propaganda.3F
I wonder how comes that [[http://pms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Lese_%C3%ABl_piemont%C3%A8is_version... this page]] is in wikipedia. (NB is a official page of pms.wiki and is blocked: I can't change it and I suppose content was written by local admins)
{{quote|Una de las principales finalidades de esta obra es de difundir la capacidad de leer y escribir, y de acostumbrar la población piamontesa al multilinguismo, al vislumbrarse la próxima revolución lingüística, que ya esta imponiendo el ingles como idioma técnico y fundamental califica de trabajo.}}
Traslate (rough): ''this essay want to fight general use of english in all world nations.''
{{quote|La única medida posible es preparar la población a utilizar mas de un idioma, confiriendo a todos y cada uno de ellos paridad de dignidad y respeto.
[...]]La única manera de lograrlo bien y rápidamente es utilizar los idiomas locales, que están listos a ser utilizados, y para nada desaparecidos.}}
Traslate (rough): '''we want to teach respect to all the language an we want that people start to use local languages.''
Personally I agree with that thesis, but I also think that is POV and it must be deleted from the page (and maybe published elsewhere)
[[User:DracoRoboter|DracoRoboter]] 09:58, 27 September 2008 (UTC)
2008/9/27 Roberto Corda roberto.ilcorda@gmail.com:
[[http://pms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Lese_%C3%ABl_piemont%C3%A8is_version... ... Traslate (rough): '''we want to teach respect to all the language an we want that people start to use local languages.''
Personally I agree with that thesis, but I also think that is POV and it must be deleted from the page (and maybe published elsewhere)
This is under Wikipedia name space. Under that name space CPOV (Community POV) is applied, not NPOV.