In a message dated 8/18/2005 10:52:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
As Delphine said, there are things from the spirit of wiki that we can and should carry over - transparency, volunteerism (self-identification for tasks), assume good faith. Others, like phantom authority and rollback (anyone/everyone having veto-power) don't have a place at the board/officer level. To sooner we realize not all wiki concepts map over, the better.
Thank you, Andrew and Delphine for pointing this out. It is important that people realize that beyond being a pleasant website and a friendly community, this is also a legal entity with financial and other obligations. Jimmy and the Board bear enormous responsibility. They have to deal with other organizations, including large corporations such as Google and Yahoo, they have to face potential legal threats, and they have to broker and approve deals which provide us with much needed financial support. I am quite impressed by how transparent they have been, but I also understand when the nature of certain things in the works requires a certain degree of discretion. I know that they will continue to keep up the outstanding work that they have done so far.